Dr. László Bódi

senior research fellow
He has been a chief research fellow in KÁTKI since 2002. His present field of research is ecologically sound livestock management, animal welfare, applied ethology and the meat quality of poultry. His former research topics were related to goose breeding and making goose-products. He was external scientific supervisor in thesis writing many times. He is lecturer of the subject “Gene conservation of indigenous farm animals” in the BSc training of Szent István University and is visiting lecturer in the subject of “Extensive livestock management”. He also gives lectures in the subjects of “Alternative livestock keeping systems”, “Biological bases of behaviour” and “Biology of stress and pain” in the PhD School of Environmental Sciences of Szent István University, as well as teaches “Meat quality of poultry” in the PhD School of Animal Sciences.
E-mail: bodi.laszlo@nbgk.hu