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„International Forum on Avian Germplasm” conference in Seoul

The Forum was held at the campus of Seoul National University, South Korea, on 25-28 October in 2013.

Professor Jae Yong Han invited 2 researchers of the Research Group for Genetic and Reproduction Biology – Judit Barna and Eszter Patakiné Várkonyi - as speakers for the Forum.

Judit Barna was asked to be one of the Section leaders of „Bio-banking for Biodiversity management” as well.

Two PhD students of the same research group – Éva Váradi and Nikoletta Sztán – also took part at the Forum with oral presentations and posters as well.

Altogether 36 oral and 6 posters presentations were introduced at the conference, mostly about the various manipulations of the avian PGCs.

The titles of the Hungarian presentations:

  1. Dr. Barna Judit: Present situation in bio-banking management of indigenous poultry species in Hungary
  2. Patakiné Dr. Várkonyi Eszter: Efforts to conserve poultry genome by various treatments of early blastodermal cells
  3. Sztán Nikoletta: Preliminary study on intra-cardiac blastodermal cell transfer in goose species
  4. Váradi Éva: Studies on deep freezing of domestic and guinea fowl spermatozoa

Section leaders and speakers

Asian, American and European participants of the International Forum