In relation to the conservation of aquatic genetic resources FAO has prepared a document entitled "FRAMEWORK OF MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT, DEVELOPMENT, CONSERVATION AND USE OF AQUATIC GENETIC RESOURCES"
The document describes in detail the framework needed to effectively preserve aquatic genetic resources. FAO has chosen Zambia for testing the framework. Three Hungarian experts from HáGK, NAIK-HAKI and Szent István University participated in the process of testing the framework. The task of specialists was to check the status of Zambian aquaculture and the conservation status of local aquatic genetic resources. The HáGK was represented by Dr. István Lehoczky.
The Hungarian experts visited the Kafue, Kalimba and Nsobe fish farms, held lectures at the University of Zambia and at the National Aquaculture Research and Development Center (NARDC), which is the Zambian equivalent of NAIK-HAKI. As a main result of the study tour, the experts have formulated recommendations for Zambia and FAO to help and improve the conservation of aquatic genetic resources in the country. For example, it was proposed to create ex situ, in vivo and in vitro gene banks as well as to genetically analyze the wild and endangered indigenous populations. The recommendations were discussed during a workshop in Lusaka where all important stakeholders were present. As a result of the study tour, a link was established between HáGK and the University of Zambia and NARDC. It is planned that we will endeavor to enhance further co-operation, to support Zambian students to continue their studies in our country. NARDC is open to further cooperation with us and looks forward to working together on the creation of in vivo and in vitro gene banks.
Within the framework of the project and with the support of FAO, three colleagues from Zambia visited Hungary in May 2018. During their visit, we reviewed the possible forms of further cooperation. The Zambian experts have also gained insights into the fish conservation projects at the HáGK and met the experts of Szent István University and NAIK-HAKI, visited the trout farm of Hoitsy and Rieger Ltd. in Lillafüred and the carp breeding farm of Szegedfish Ltd.