The researchers of our institute, Dr. Eszter Várkonyi Patakiné, chief research fellow and Mariann Molnár PhD student, participated in the research team, which created successfully a hybrid fish from the American paddlefish and Russian sturgeon.
The memebers of the team were from the Research Institute for Fisheries and Aquacultur (NAIK-HAKI), the University of Debrecen, the Laboratory of Fish Management of Szent István University and the National Centre for Biodiversity and Gene Conservation (NBGK-HGI).
The results of the research were published on July 6, 2020 in the scientific journal Genes (link: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4425/11/7/753) and after that several important medium, like The New York Times (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/15/science/hybrid-sturgeon-paddlefish.html) and CNN (https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/21/world/sturddlefish-paddlefish-sturgeon-hybrid-scn-trnd/index.html), published too an article in this topic.
MDPI interview: https://blog.mdpi.com/2020/08/27/hybrids-by-accident
Congratulations to the participants of the research team.