Looking at her from the worse possible view, Cait is a chem-addicted Irish pit fighter from the … どんな武器でもどんな防具でも彼らは着ることが出来るが、デフォルト装備よりも威力または防御力がなければ着ることはない。全ての人間とグールのNPCはパワーアーマーを着ることができる。(フォークス、RL-3軍曹、ドッグミートは不可) Yes, companions are not coded as essential in either Fallout 3 or Fallout: New Vegas.They can and will die, which leads to many reloads and grief. Brotherhood of Steel Paladins and Knights (when inside the Enclave building trying to find the encrypted codes) also during Death From Above, アプリをダウンロードすれば、いつでもどこでもお気に入りのコミュニティに簡単にアクセスできます。, https://fallout.fandom.com/ja/wiki/Fallout_3_companions?oldid=4227, このページで記載している内容は概略に過ぎません。詳細は、それぞれの記事を参照してください。, コンパニオンはアイテムを持ち運ぶことができる。これによりプレイヤーは重量制限オーバーせずにより多くのアイテムを集めることができる。, コンパニオンの装備品に関しては、Fallout 3 companion equipmentうを参照。, パワーアーマーを装備させると、コンパニオンの収容力は50ポンド少なくなる。(ヘルメット5ポンド、アーマー45ポンド) 収容力は以下の式で求められる。, ブッチ:リベットシティのマディーラダーの酒場。カルマが中立である場合のみいつでも再雇用できる。, カロン:クビにされた彼はナイン・サークル(歴史博物館)に戻る。カロンはカルマに関係なくいつでも再雇用できる。, クローバー:パラダイスフォールズのユーロジーの寝室に戻る。(たとえプレイヤーががユーロジー・ジョーンズを殺害し、パラダイスフォールズを全滅させ、奴隷を解放したとしても)彼女はカルマに関係なく再雇用できる。, ドッグミート:彼はVault 101で待つよう命じられているので完全に解雇された訳ではない。, フォークス:歴史博物館のドアの前でプレイヤーを待ち続ける。カルマが善良でなければ再雇用できない。, ジェリコ:メガトンに戻る。プレイヤーがメガトンを吹き飛ばさない限り、モリアティの酒場で見つけられるか、ジェリコの家で過ごす。彼を再雇用するにはカルマが凶悪でなければならない。, RL-3軍曹:カンタベリーコモンズのキャラバンが停止する木のそばで待っている。彼を再雇用するには中立のカルマが必要である。, スターパラディン・クロス:彼女は要塞の研究所に戻る。カルマが善であれば彼女を再雇用できる。, To have your companion heal themselves, simply give them a few stimpaks. This page was last edited on 17 June 2015, at 02:20. Strong (Fallout 4) Super Mutants are common within the Fallout world, and Strong isn't the first time … Unlike in previous Fallout games, companions don't gain experience and notoriety independently but are scaled to the level of the player character. Once turned hostile, you can talk to them for some last words (most of the time it will be their own last words) for example, If you cannot find your companion, try going to their default location (for example, the Museum of History for Fawkes). Fallout 3: 25 Things About The Companions That Make No Sense The Fallout 3 companions were loved by many, but they really don't make a whole lot of sense when looked at a bit more closely. 彼らは様々な武器と防具を装備でき、NPCであるため弾薬を1発でも渡せば無限に武器を使用し続ける。またプレイヤーと永久コンパニオンに対して敵対しない幾らかのNPCに対して攻撃を仕掛ける者もいる。(ArkansasやRobCo Facilityのprotectronsなど)。また友好的な町の罠や地雷(Big Townの市民によって置かれる地雷など)に一時的なコンパニオンは引っかかる。. For example, Charon will always use Protectron's Gaze (a unique laser pistol) over the laser rifle, despite its reduced range AND damage per round rating. 1. They may also randomly enter sneak mode during combat, presumably to avoid enemy fire or to gain better aiming. The player character can have up to two companions in their party, which consists of Dogmeat plus any other companion, barring certain companion exploits. Nick Valentine is the synth detective that is found by the player inside of Vault … The mod now stands at 85% completion, with more stuff being added everyday. This will send the companion home. Fallout 3 - Companions Browse through our selection of Companions for the Fallout 3 game on the PC. RL-3: If fired, will travel to the entrance to, Brotherhood of Steel Paladins and Knights (when inside the Enclave building trying to find the encrypted codes, and during Death From Above), To have your companion heal themselves, simply give them a few stimpaks. He’s only seven, but loves Fallout 3. Butch DeLoria: トンネルスネーク (Neutral) 3. They will also wear any weapons or armor they are given that is superior to their standard equipment. Of the listed temporary companions, only Red, Shorty, and Sticky have dialogue options which allow the player to give them weapons or other inventory items. 1 Karma levels 2 Karma titles 3 Obtaining karma points 3.1 Positive 3.2 Neutral 3.3 Negative 4 Effects of karma levels 4.1 Good karma 4.2 Neutral karma 4.3 Bad karma 5 Companions and Karma 6 Sounds You begin the game with a value of zero, which … Most of them will follow you indefinitely until you complete their related quest, but not all. Some companions will use any weapon if you give it to them (provided they have appropriate ammunition for it). The traps or mines of allies, like the frag mines laid by the citizens of Big Town, will still be hostile to temporary companions. だが例外も存在する。例えばカロンの場合、レーザーライフルの方が射程でもDPRレートでも上回るのにも関わらず、常時Protectron's Gaze(ユニーク・レーザー・ピストル)を使用する。, 彼らは、(適切な弾薬を所持する場合のみ)プレイヤーによって武器を与えられれば、一部のコンパニオン以外はどんな武器でも使用する。しかし若干の例外があり、例えばコンパニオンはDLC、Operation Anchorageの報酬として得られるガウスライフルを使用することはできない。しかしグリッチによりシミュレーション内から持ち出したバージョンのガウスライフルは使用することが出来る。, コンパニオンは強力な存在だが、同時に注意点もある。彼らは敵から所持している、あるいは使用している武器(ユニーク武器を含む)を直接撃たれたりして落とすことがあり、これを敵に奪われることがある。, 周囲の全ての敵が死亡した後、コンパニオンは戦闘を終了し、同時に体力は完全回復する。しかしプレイヤーが戦闘中に戦闘エリアを離脱すると、彼らは負傷したままとなる。または戦闘外での負傷(トラップ等)は次の戦闘終了まで回復しない。 コンパニオンの体力を確認するには、彼らをV.A.T.S.モードで見るか、遠くからカーソルを合わせることで体力ゲージを表示することができる。 in Vault 87 to complete Project Purity. Even the dog. If a companion is given several weapons and the appropriate ammunition, they will generally choose a weapon based on the range of the projectile, then on either damage per round (DPR) or damage per second (DPS) but not by the in-game interface's DMG stat. Fallout 3 Wiki JP ヌカづけ Xbox360/PS3日本語版「Fallout 3」wiki Fallout 3 SS/MOD晒しスレまとめウィキ FallOut3アップローダー FallOut3アップローダー 2 FO3 MOD補完専用再うpろだ Fallout : New Vegas Wiki JP Oblivion Wiki Fawkes can technically die, but he wont unless you fire on him, repeatedly for a long time. 2) Check the box next to 'Sharing and Caring Companions.esm' in FOMM. Fallout 4 PC PlayStation 4 Xbox One PC Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. However, if you zone out during a fight and they follow while injured, or if they are injured outside of combat (e.g. mode, or moving far enough from them to see their HP bar. Most companions will turn hostile if you have inflicted damage 4 times in a row, but if you wait a while the process will restart. This means that in Fallout, the controls are rudimentary, at best. There is no way of reviving them unless using the 'resurrect' command via console, targeted on their corpse. Dogmeat can track down different enemies but can also latch onto enemies arms and hold them in place for you to get a clean headshot, as well as being able to fetch supplies and weapons upon command. Find the mod here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20951/? In most cases, companions can be dismissed/fired, and can later be found and rehired. Fallout 3 includes a pair of perks, Lady Killer and Black Widow, which allow the player to romance members of the opposite sex. The Lone Wanderer, The Courier, and The Sole Survivor have assembled all of their respective companions and will be leading them into battle. You can check companions' health by viewing them in V.A.T.S. IMPORTANT!!! Enemies are able to shoot your companion's weapons out of his or her hands (except their default weapons), so take care if you give them any unique weapon. Companion controls Once an NPC becomes a companion, their dialogue menu changes to a list of tactical and combat-oriented options. All human and ghoul non-player characters (so all except Fawkes, RL-3, and Dogmeat) are capable of wearing power armor. Thanks, @burn For a few non-player character's, there is more than one possible way to have them join your party. All of them automatically regenerate health. Companions only heal when they are behind cover. In some cases, they can always be rehired by simply finding them and asking them to rejoin you. For example, if you equip Star Paladin Cross with a flamer, she will first attack with her default laser pistol because her target is out of the flamer's range. Lets you set permanent equipment for companions. 1 Permanent companions 1.1 Companion controls 1.2 Statistics 2 Temporary companions 2.1 Companion controls 2.2 Statistics 3 Notes 4 Bugs Permanent companions usually have prerequisites and may not join your party unless certain conditions are met; these vary between potential companion NPCs and often there are multiple possible ways to obtain them as a party member. Companions can be used to store items, allowing the player to collect more items before becoming overencumbered. If you don't want to "fire" your companions by talking to them, you can go to add-on locations, like Point Lookout or the Pitt, they will return to their default location and wait for you. Companions do not recognize the dangers of using vehicles for cover, they may ignore the warning explosion and engage in combat among and around cars that are ready to explode. Any lost companion will be returned to their respective locations. The four companions will be awaiting the player just outside the Cathedral building and will follow all the way into the Los Angeles Vault. If SCC were the first mod you downloaded for Fallout 3 you'd be well on your way to a very good time. Fallout 3 companions - last post by @ Dec 18, 2008 Companions info [location, perk spoilers] - last post @ Oct 29, 2010 Fallout 3: Forum Rules and Thread Index - last post by @ Nov 21, 2008 What I … In the case of Bethesda Ruins that would be raiders (if … Infinite companion ammo for any weapon, expect grenades. Companions are restored to full health at the end of combat after all nearby enemies are dead. Companions have unlimited ammunition for their standard weapon (with the exception of Butch), but you'll have to supply them with the appropriate ammunition for any other non-default ranged weapon. Character Overhaul Vrsn. It takes some time though, so you can always give them Stimpacks. Fallout 4 shows us what a decent urban city can look like in a Fallout game, but Takoma Park was an amazing vertical slice and feels like one of the most complete areas in Fallout 3. Fallout 3's journey throughout the Capital Wasteland … Jericho: 引退したレイダ… All companions except for Dogmeat and Charon have a Karma requirement that must be met if the player wishes to enlist that companion (listed in parentheses). There are 8 permanent companions available to the player in Fallout 3. Fallout 3ではプレイヤーに追従する永久コンパニオンが8名存在する。プレイヤーがコンパニオンを仲間にするには、ある一定のカルマ要求を満たす必要がある。ただしドッグミートとカロンは例外的にカルマ要求がない以下が仲間にできるコンパニオンの8名である(括弧内は必要カルマ): 1. 417. She will move towards the target to get into the flamer's range and then switch to it. If you want to record console messages to a text file (saved in your Fallout3 folder), type (with the quotes): scof "MyTextFileName.txt"
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