Make sure to laugh off the times you trip over your shoelaces or stutter your words. Am I scared? Why do I act so awkward around my BF? Are you, by any chance, between the ages of 14 and 27? Answer Save. I'm on mobile, and not native english. My name is Cindy and I am dating a really awesome guy. As flattered as I am, I feel uncomfortable accepting them, but in the end I accept them because I don’t want to hurt him. There is an inherent level of excitement especially earlier on in relationships as you’re still feeling your way around. You don't want to be rejected. But assuming there are no real red-flags I would say this is natural anxiety. Whatever it is, take a deep breath, remember she/he also wants to be accepted and may be nervous in … So there's this guy in your life that you call your boyfriend. You can feel nervous for many reasons, sometimes depending on the context. The question of what if I don't look good in front of my boyfriend and his friends or what if I can't please his best friends comes into foray. I have a boyfriend and I want to live with him. How do I get things done? Smita Joshi, Counselor, BA Psychology / MA / Advanced EFT Practitioner. TLDR: Started feeling uncomfortable around my dad a year ago - but he didn't do anything. Perhaps deep down you're scared you won't hug/kiss "properly" and your boyfriend will end up laughing at you for it, or even potentially break up with you for it. I don't know why! Why do I feel uncomfortable around my boyfriend? ", then you might be second-guessing whether he is the right one for you.Maybe you would like to have a long-term relationship, but you feel … But since its his family, its even more nerve wrecking. Have him talk to you to calm you down. Relationships are all about exploring and getting comfortable with your partner so its okay to be nervous, especially during new experiences. I feel like we have nothing to talk about. Maybe you just haven't established a real emotional confectionery. It is quite common to be awkward around an ex boyfriend or girlfriend following a breakup. We had been so happy with each other, still blinded by the goodness of our love for each other; we wanted to get married and have life and children together. Potentially talk to your boyfriend about it. Sometimes our stomachs explode and it's not very pleasant. I have trouble with my school work due to procrastinating. But it also has to come off sometimes. Its okay to be nervous, because it shows you care, but if you ever need to talk about how to get past this, I'm here. Never pressure her into doing something she doesn’t want to do so that she knows she can trust you. All rights reserved. The closest thing to that is one incident in early February (before the BC) where my boyfriend did something that made me feel very uncomfortable. General requests go out to ALL LISTENERS. Once you guys have been dating for a while then you won't be uncomfortable… […] Because empaths are so sensitive, they can pick up subtle clues about what another person is thinking or feeling. You probably just want to make sure you don't say or do anything embarrassing. If he's stayed with you for 8 months then you must be doing something right. How do I get over feeling that everyone is going to leave me? It is normal for shy people to take a while to feel relaxed in a new relationship. Over time and with prolonged contact, the nervousness might fade. Maybe you feel nervous because you really like him. Good luck :). Maybe it's because he wants to take the relationship to the next level and you're not ready, or maybe it's just because you don't have a whole lot of "experience" with the whole relationship thing. I've never had a whole group of people just dislike me like that. Try to trust him and open up to him. It helps sometimes. He obviously likes you for who you are, so just relax and be yourself. My relationship with boyfriend is very good. But he never did anything bad. 1. This isn't the main reason why relationships don't last, it's actually because people have these kinds of issues and they don't COMMUNICATE with their partner. My boyfriend and I are in our mid-twenties and have been together for 7 years. It also could be because you're falling in love, or because you like him so much that you become unable to focus, shaky, etc. So, my suggestion is to just do it one day. Try to take a deep breath and tell yourself that everything will be okay. I don't want to get into details, but suffice to say things nearly ended but we have worked through that and he has been very apologetic, working hard to ensure that it doesn't happen again. Because you care about his opinion, and you want him to like you. Be friends with him. My boyfriend and I just moved in a few months ago. Listen to it. All of you. Or maybe you haven't been together for very long and you're still getting to know him. My work with clients is supportive, interactive and nonjudgmental. The problem is, when I'm around him, I feel really uncomfortable, shy, and nervous. I mean, I'm not shy. If you can give yourself positive affirmations like that eventually it will sink into your subconscious and you won't be so worried anymore. I get that. You can also make your girlfriend feel comfortable by respecting her physical boundaries. My boyfriend and she have a great rapport and even though he told me about her quite often during our relationship, it didn’t affect me a great deal at that time because she … Favorite Answer. "Whether it’s pillow talk, dinner conversation or time on the couch while watching TV, give yourselves plenty of time to talk about what you think and how things are going," Tina B. Tessina, aka Dr. Am I scared? Just keep repeating it back to yourself, yes even out loud! Suggesting your own date ideas will make you feel in control. he use to be really shy, but I'm not. Why do I feel ill when I’m near my boyfriend but when I’m not I feel normal.!? Okay, I just got my first boyfriend and I'm really excited. 2020 Bustle Digital Group. Some of his traits, the way he talks or does the things? Motivation works temporarily and I'm not suicidal but feel it's pointless to live like this. As always, it depends upon the situation, but in my personal experience, I've found it's been a lot about the desire to appear perfect to a person, or the desire to never do anything wrong. An implied negative feeling. The reason why I'm so nervous around my boyfriend may be simply because of the fact that whether he likes having me around or not. When you start to notice that sinking feeling of insecurity there are a few things you can do: 1. Think about what are the triggers of your nervous mood. I don't even know what to say to my boyfriend's nieces and I've know them for about 3 years. Being comfortable in your relationship is the only way it can be sustainable for the long-term. First, figure out if the ex is trying to make you jealous. Lately, I've been questioning everything from my career to my relationship. 4 Answers. Or really damned tired. why do i feel so uncomfortable around my boyfriend? Typically, being nervous around your boyfriend could mean that you are a very self-aware and attentive girlfriend, which can be a good thing, however it also means that you are likely to over-think things in the relationship, and you are afraid of losing him. This brings me to my main point. xx. But if you're uncomfortable with your partner talking to their ex, there may be good reason. Except one thing — I have trouble talking about my feelings. I'm also guessing that nobody else notices your discomfort and awkwardness about it but you. I wouldn’t say that nervousness is inherently a good or a bad sign as it can be either way. My name is Cindy and I am dating a really awesome guy. But I really like him. The grumpy parts? Let him know how you are feeling, and explain to him that it is very important to you that you discuss these issues or else things will not get resolved and may only get worse. It may be because your girlfriend/boyfriend is someone you care about what they think of you, and you might be feeling like you want to be "perfect". Why do i feel so uncomfortable around my boyfriend? It's a sign something's off. Relevance. You can still talk about it, but you can also enjoy this stage of the relationship while it lasts. The truth is, the reason why I felt uncomfortable was because I was already feeling inferior for not having a girlfriend. I am always like that when I'm around my boyfriend, I want to make sure I say the right things and do the right things. Relationships aren't as intimidating when you are both on the same page. All of a sudden, I don't feel as comfortable around him as I used to, although I can't seem to find a reason as to why I feel … The only thing is, I really can't stand being around him. I do love him but I've always had a sense that he's not 'the one' and recently that feeling has grown stronger. I was recently diagnosed by my psychiatrist with obsessive-compulsive disorder. When … It isn’t the first time that I have been around people who have told me “I panic when I see my … Me and my bf have been dating for 11 days now and when I see him I feel uncomfortable and dobt talk and basically ignore him I don't want to ignore him I just.can't but it's confusing cause befor we started dating we were.friends and I was fine around him then anyway do u know any tips that can help 2 not feel uncomfortable … Relationships are meant to make you feel happy - so enjoy it while it lasts! Just sit with him and tell him you feel nervous, tell him to take things slow with you. I think me feeling awkward makes him feel awkward, too. You don't want to be that person who gushes to her friends non-stop about her relationship. You might be his first girlfriend so he don't know how to act around you. Also, whenever my boyfriend is around, my mom seems to get nervous and doesn't … If you don't hug him/cuddle with him, but you don't explain why, he might assume it's because you don't like him that much, or that you think he smells bad or something. My only problem is that I can't relax around his friends. Talking to her about it and come up with a solution together. As they essentially become addicted to that feeling, more so than valueing the actual person and the relationship that comes after the initial butterfly-filled interaction. Its normal to feel like that around someone you really like :) Just hug him and love him and it will be fine! Typically, being nervous around your boyfriend could mean that you are a very self-aware and attentive girlfriend, which can be a good thing, however it also means that you are likely to over-think things in the relationship, and you are afraid of losing him. I want to break up with him and say that I'm not ready for a boyfriend … When your boyfriend accuses you of trying to avoid him, ask him why he feels that way, and how he would like that to change. You fantasize about not being in it. Basically, some guys will flirt and get too personal with other girls because they know they won’t face any consequences after all. He will definitely help you out. He has never had a problem with it, he actually criticizes very skinny girls, saying … Good luck :) I'm generally super happy, friendly and bubbly around people. i feel uncomfortable naked around my boyfriend? If so, that might very well be the reason. lol. Maybe you are a bit anxious because it's a new relationship and you want to do ~the right thing~ all the time to impress your partner, maybe it's just a tiring period of your life. Then they get upset and start making rash decisions and that's where the relationship goes down a bad road. Please SELECT REQUESTS FROM THE TOP or topics that you care about. That too. He was generally a good father and a good … When we started dating he was the most handsome man I’d ever met, seemed perfect on paper. Do you not know how to act when you see him or her? Or you feel like you might mess up. I am confident (and I imagine your boyfriend is, too) that there is exquisite beauty pouring from every aspect of who you are. Take things in steps. The closest thing to that is one incident in early February (before the BC) where my boyfriend did something that made me feel very uncomfortable. Is it hard to think critically about something you love. Well, people can not exactly give you any answers to a "Why" question like this but I would encourage you to explore a bit deeper into your guys relationship and start pointing out and remembering specific moments that make you nervous. If you're avoiding those spontaneous check-ins about your relationship with your partner, it means you don't want to face what's actually happening in the relationship. Sometimes being around people you really like can induce anxiousness. Hi, My boyfriend and I share a great relationship. Romance, psychotherapist and author of Love Styles: How to Celebrate Your Differences, tells Bustle. I was really uncomfortable about getting this big of a gift from somebody I … At first I was just in awe that I found someone who seemed really right for me, we … Recently he gifted me an expensive piece of jewelry. Even that. But if you get uneasy when your friends ask for basic questions or updates, it may be time to look at why. And if it's not there? I'm 23. Consider it first, is it cause you are worried about how he sees you or perhaps you think he will judge you? Many problems occur because couples didn't communicate properly, and someone makes a wrong assumption, and problems just snowball after this. How? I mean maybe i do. However, ask yourself 'Do I feel safe with him?' As flattered as I am, I feel uncomfortable accepting them, but in the end I accept them because I don’t want to hurt him. Certainly. 15 Signs You Should Be Worried About His Female Friends. Well, if you feel jealous of your boyfriend's ex and don't know why, take a look at the five suggestions below and try implementing them as soon as you can—before you drive yourself crazy. You might want to figure out why this is. In a good relationship, both sides should be able to feel completely at ease with each other, and both benefit from the connection. Except one thing — I have trouble talking about my feelings. Ok, my boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 2 years. Serotonin and dopamine are two that can cause you to feel way more sleepy than normal, and this might explain why you feel sleepy around your boyfriend. Maybe you guys just started dating. Although it might only be a tiny little bit of you hidden away from the rest that wants out — your mind has an amazing way of convincing you everything's OK sometimes— if you stop and think for a minute, you'll know it's there. Being nervous around him will only decrease your benefits from the relationship, and he may sense your discomfort, thus causing some discomfort of his own. You should not feel uncomfortable in a loving relationship. "One sign that you don’t trust your partner can come in the form of second-guessing," Marina Sbrochi, IPPY award-winning author of Stop Looking for a Husband: Find the Love of Your Life tells Bustle. TLDR: Started feeling uncomfortable around my dad a year ago - but he didn't do anything.How do I stop this feeling? Sometimes, people still feel uncomfortable around their boyfriends even once they have secured the relationship. You may feel as if you are not good enough for him, or have a fear that he will dislike you if you act normal. Maybe you feel like he doesn't love you? Favorite Answer. You have to decide how you feel in order to determine what is happening to you. It is perfectly normal to be nervous around your boy friend , with in time you both will create a good bond and you will no longer feel nervous. I wouldnt want to make a fool of myself. I know from experience, what its like to love someone so much that you get butterflies everytime your around them. The problem is I feel so uncomfortable around her boyfriend and I don't know why, I feel awkward and on edge. Why do i feel so uncomfortable around my boyfriend? Relevance. So i didn't leave the best first impression.. It differs for everyone, but in my experience I've found that it's totally normal to be nervous around your boyfriend at least in the beginning - provided that there's nothing negative going on in the relationship. also, she's ridiculously pretty and it will just lower my … Being in a relationship doesn't mean you get to take out every bad mood on your partner, but it does mean being 100 percent comfortable being yourself around them. Dear, sweet girl—my heart broke a little when I read this post and it was filled with so much love and compassion for you that I can only hope that you feel me wrapping my arms around you with my words. There are a number of feel-good hormones produced. He's teaching me some things about how to fix and maintain my car which is nice, but he also got me a very nice toolbox full of tools. It takes a while for you to learn to differentiate simply physical attraction, harmless almost-flirty comments, jokes with a … I give him everything that he needs sexually, emotionally, physically and mentally, but still he flirts with other girls and has sexy conversations with them. If you feel a good kind of anxious, than I would suggest just deep breathing and relaxing. He never hit me (except to teach), ignored me etc. I don't want to get into details, but suffice to say things nearly ended but we have worked through that and he has been very apologetic, working hard to ensure that … He has already chosen you as his girlfriend, and you have chosen him, which means that he loves you for the way you are. Gradually, you will overcome your feelings of anxiety/fear and you'll be able to hug him whenever you want! Find those factors and then try to overcome it by talking to him. But eventually you will get comfortable around him, I hope it works out for you. Just keep reassuring yourself that he's not going to leave because he likes (or loves, you didn't specify) you! What my boyfriend … Remember to assure yourself - it's a common thing to be nervous in a relationship, especially if the relationship is a first. Is their something wrong with me. Just wait nothing you can do with this. Hi, My boyfriend and I share a great relationship. Sometimes we're just really sniffly. Copyright © 2020 7 Cups of Tea. Are you, by any chance, between the ages of 14 and 27? I can’t stress how many women stick around and lower their standards just to keep guys in their lives even though he’s messing up … And the same holds true when talking to your partner. If you can't enjoy being quiet and chill together, you need to look at why. 4 Answers. If you don't feel comfortable around him then maybe he isn't the guy for you. Like, she kind of mumbled when saying it. It's great to do things together, and that should be a happy and fulfilling part of your relationship, but sometimes moving all the time is to cover the fact that maybe you just don't have that much in common. And that's a big problem — not only for your relationship, but because it also can do a huge amount of damage to your self-esteem. I feel like i can't compete with that chick x[ Also, I am kinda shy meeting new people for the first time sometimes. If you communicate honestly and say how you feel, you can work with your boyfriend to make adjustments/compromises in the relationship along the way. We hit it off really well at first, but I've been uncomfortable around him. Answer Save. Some guys are like this at first. Answered by Dr. Marie Hartwell-Walker on 2018-05-8 - Link A. How do I stop this feeling? Maybe you guys just started dating. I want to break up with him and say that I'm not ready for a boyfriend yet, but I just can't. I know it seems obvious, but you should just be able to be together. If your partner doesn't feel comfortable when the two of you are kicking back together, that is obviously an issue. It's OK - we all have these doubts from time to time. "This is a sneaky one and you might not even know you are doing it — but your partner knows, and it translates to mistrust." Pick a fun activity you can do together (it’ll give you something to focus on other than … For me it is, at it's root, being unsure of myself or of acting in a way or saying something that may cause her to have a negative opinion of me. What you or they can pick up on something a deep breath and tell yourself that 's. Shoelaces or stutter your words I truly love my boyfriend but I just ca n't and. You not know how to act around you so worried anymore for 3 weeks now, and things are.! First impression contact, the movies, parks, travel, and nervous act around you my! 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