She is willing to forgive his trespasses so long as she gets her hands on Sookie. Rate. With a single bloody tear running down Bill’s face, he told her he’d never love anyone the way he loved her and started to leave. She really has lost sight of who she is. Russell berates her into using her fairy powers to break the handcuffs, but for good measure, she sends him flying across the pavement. True Blood recap: 'You're No Good' recap (season 6, episode 3) Eric knocks on Ginger's door, as Bill and Niall attempt to keep things interesting at Sookie's ”For the record, I would never have given you to Russell,” Eric said. My favorite moment of the episode was the annoyed sigh Russell let out when he had to listen to Alcide tell Sookie over a beer that he’d been thinking and dreaming about her, and he’d have hated it if they never saw each other again. But wait! And thus we have our fair knight errant's latest mission. It was hard to take your eyes off of Russell’s charred face. Creator Alan Ball wrote the season 3 finale, and right from the moment Russell said, ”Shut the f— up and die, please,” as he and Eric lay handcuffed, side-by-side in the sun, you knew we were in for some good quips. Season 7 Episode 1. 2010 Bad Blood. He delivers one of his heart-melting lines -- "I have never loved, nor will I ever love, as I have loved you" -- and Sookie is about to take him back when a concrete-matted Eric shows up at the door and informs her that Sophie-Anne had ordered Bill to Bon Temps to "procure" her. Season 3. And I know I did the right thing.” Why do you think Andy saved a vial of V for himself? What do you think? Facebook Share. The wirework looked cheesier than the killer macaroni and cheese you just know Lafayette makes at Merlotte’s. Terry was crying, happy tears it turned out. Very glad Pam had a part to play in this season’s finale. They disappear into the golden light. SIGN IN Recaps for TV shows View TV episodes as 50 thumbnails True Blood. Good for her. Eric, covered in cement, asked if Bill had told Sookie that he was sent to Bon Temps by the Queen to procure Sookie because of what she might be. By now, the clock was winding down on the hour, and Alan Ball went into overdrive on cliffhanger mode. He sped off, and Sookie slammed the door shut in tears. The other vampires retire for the day -- "Go crawl back into your holes, you creepy cold freaks," a still bitter Sookie says -- and leave her with Russell, who alternately tries to threaten and bribe her into letting him go. ”Rabbits and squirrels, not people,” Alcide shouted back. NEXT: Exfoliating is your friend, Russell, Back at Fangtasia, Eric recovered and told the others Godric had appeared to him and asked him to save Russell. 7. It wasn’t so much gruesome as it was… flaky. The way Tara hugged Sookie and said ”goodbye,” you knew she wasn’t coming back, even though Sookie had just said she didn’t want to be alone. Bill dropped Eric into a shallow grave and poured in cement. Lafayette has been experiencing bloody visions since his V trip with Jesus, and he worries that he's going insane like his mother. But we might as well begin there. Then he went to Merlotte’s and confirmed Tommy had taken all Sam’s money with him. He was too weak to ”drop fang,” so Sookie made Bill bite her wrist so she could feed Eric her blood and heal him. Network. She sprays him with liquid silver, and Russell seethes, "I will rip you open and feed your entrails to you." Sophie-Anne shows up at Bill's house in full widow regalia. All rights reserved (About Us). (What? There, Claudine appears to her, tells her she's not alone, and asks her to come with her. ”Details,” crispy, chained Russell said. After all, his mother had told the vampires and witches were coming for him. I thought you had the right to know," he tells her quietly before leaving. (Did you notice the way he wiggled his fingers when he told Sookie she was like a rose that only blooms for a little while? Eric promised his father he’d avenge him, so Russell had to die. Well, he's a witch. Sookie told Bill she’d feel safer protecting herself knowing that she was ”vampire crack.” She rescinded the invitation to her home for all vampires present, much to Alcide’s delight. The DEA is readying for its raid on Hotshot, but Jason and Crystal tip off Calvin Norris, who is not the least bit grateful but does direct the townsfolk ("Deliverance" extras, all of them) to start disposing of the V. Felton, hopped up on the drug himself, takes out Calvin with a shot to the head and essentially kidnaps Crystal, who makes Jason promise to take care of her relatives. Sam finally told Tara that he was a shapeshifter. And he seems down with that. Sam told her someone as smart as her could, she’d just have to keep moving so her past didn’t catch up to her. In another classic Stupid Stackhouse Says Something Wise moment, Jason told Andy, ”Sometimes the right thing to do is the wrong thing. True Blood (2008–2014) Episode List. How many hours did it take for Denis O’Hare to get in that makeup on his face, his heavage, and his hands? She again rescinds her invitation, and he goes flying off the porch. ”I have waited centuries to find a true fae. Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. ”Vampire?” she asked. ”All right, bring me the girl,” she said. In fact, he doesn't want Russell to find any of the peace that ghostly Godric promises they will all find after death. Episode 12 Evil Is Going On. Not sure how we’re supposed to feel about her running away from Bon Temps (obviously we want her back next season), but you can’t deny seeing her grin made you happy. They fly at each other. But Bill tells her she never will. Sookie seeks solace, Tara takes off, and Bill and Eric have another fang-wagging contest. That’s when Sookie disposed of Talbot — after Russell interrupted her reading Star magazine on Eric’s throne to try to negotiate his freedom with $5 million, his Mississippi house, and the promise to kill both Bill and Eric, one of them, or neither of them, her pick. 'True Blood' Season 3, Episode 12 Finale 'Evil is Going on': TV Recap By Michelle Kung. Russell was outside dying with Eric. Godric’s little speech had gotten to Eric — he couldn’t live with the idea that Russell would find peace in death. Can Sookie trust Bill and/or Eric? Sept. 13, 2010 1:30 am ET For a "True Blood" season finale, "Evil is Going On" was fairly anticlimatic. It’s interesting: After all Sookie has been though this season at the hands (and fangs) of vampires, it still turned my stomach when she took such pleasure in pouring Talbot’s remains down the garbage disposal at Fangtasia in front of Russell. While the third season did not lack memorable moments -- "Exorcist" sex, an involuntary spine-ectomy, any time Russell Edgington cradled the compote jar of his beloved -- it did spread itself way too thin, with perhaps a dozen distinct storylines, most of which had no relation to one another, and a few of which were pretty unsatisfying. He said Sam wasn’t going to shoot him, and Sam fired. Meanwhile, the DEA arrived in town to raid Hot Shot, and Andy let it slip to Jason that it was going down that day. He wants to marry her. ”Forgiveness is love. Rate. True Blood recap: 'You're No Good' recap (season 6, episode 3) By Mandi Bierly S6 E2 Recap But the front door flew open. Rate. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your California Privacy Rights (each updated 1/1/20). Tommy admitted he couldn’t read. S3, Ep1. Sookie said she hated being mad at Tara, and Tara said they were like sisters. Eric came as close to Sookie as he could in her doorway. True Blood recap: Season 6, Episode 4. Tara began what became her goodbye tour: She went to see her mother, who was getting busy with her reverend. Wherever Sookie has gone begins a new chapter in the story. Sookie, Bill, Eric, Lafayette, Sam and the other residents Bon Temps deal with vampires, werewolves, fairies, and shape-shifters—not to mention romance and drama, Updated September 13, 2010 at 04:00 PM EDT, Credit: Sookie woke up with Bill’s blood still on her lips. Evil Is Going On. We switched back to Operation Bury Russell. How was Tommy supposed to live? Is that a reminder that they’ll never be able to be a happy little family? She wished she could reboot her life and pretend she didn’t know all that she’d recently learned. ”Yeah, every full moon he turns into a wolf and kills and eats his prey.”. Tommy explained that Sam had changed his life, then just discarded him like garbage. Bill said he hadn’t known what Sookie was, and as he got to know her, his goal became keeping her away from Sophie-Anne. ”Only peace follows death for all,” Godric said. The fourth season of the television series True Blood contains 12 episodes, bringing the series total to 48. Back at Fangtasia, Sookie got understandably excited when Alcide showed up. That girl is misguided, but not enough to go buy a vampire-killing rifle, which is the last thing we saw Hoyt’s heavily-eye shadowed mother do. Gun-toting Sam drove like a maniac and caught up to Tommy, who was walking with his bag of cash. He flew back onto the ground, and Eric verbally kicked him when he was down — he told him he wanted his phone back. True Blood season 2 episode 3 review; Reviews True Blood season 2 episode 3 review. But he seemed relieved when he said he’d lucked out finding a witch, who was a nurse, who was a dude. Maxine buys a shotgun. ”You watch your f—in’ language,” she told him. True Blood season 3 episode 2 review. Over at Sam’s place, he made Tara some morning-after breakfast as she watched Nan Flanagan debate Rev. Sookie yelled at him not to go, and I thought we’d be getting the ”S” in the TV rating. I believe him. Updated September 12, 2011 at 07:30 AM EDT Advertisement. I thought for sure Sam would soften at the tears in Tommy’s eyes and tell his brother to come home. He tracks Tommy down, points a gun at him, and demands his money back. 9 Crimes. ‘True Blood’ Recap: Season 5 Episode 2 ‘Authority Always Wins’ 6/17/12 ; True Blood Season 5 Episode 3 “Whatever I am, You Made Me” Sneak Peek Video & Spoilers ; The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 17 ‘Break on Through’ Recap 3/22/12 ; Dallas Recap: Season 1 Episode 3 “The Price You Pay” 6/20/12 Russell dropped enough f-bombs and threats until Sookie was pissed enough to power her gift and zapped the handcuffs connecting Eric to Russell. Tommy accuses him of taking him away from everything he's known, and then throwing him away like garbage. At this point, it hadn’t occurred to me that Tara was preparing to leave Bon Temps, population 2,712. ... Goodness, people do get around this episode. View More. When she drags Eric inside, she orders Bill to open her vein and then lets Eric feed on her. We picked back up with Sookie running through the cemetery and she veered off the path to Gran’s grave. Shouldn’t Lafayette be concerned that he saw a monster’s head on Jesus if he’s seeing things people want to hide? Entertainment Weekly may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Russell laughed. What do you think? It wasn’t. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Rate. I’d lost track of time and didn’t expect that to be the ending, but it makes sense. Bill headed to Sookie’s, and for some reason, she invited him. Sam went into Tommy’s rental and saw that his brother had left. He admitted he was a witch. It's not nearly as satisfying as Maryann getting gored last season, or even Sookie taking a spade to Rene's neck. Bill saw Eric being distracted by Godric and the satisfaction of achieving his revenge on Russell as an opportunity. 4. Episode 9 Life Matters. She dragged Eric inside. Steve Newlin from the Fellowship of the Sun on the TV. Sam scored himself some drama when he dropped by his rentals to check on Tommy. True Blood Final Season Premiere Recap. Even if the glee was a side effect of her having drank Bill’s blood — or something meant to show us just how much Sookie could hate vampires — it seemed uncharacteristically cruel. Sookie comes to, is pissed at Bill for letting them use her -- she later compares herself to "vampire crack" -- and rushes out to help Eric. Subscribe today », Vicki Hyman | NJ Advance Media for, she's quite possibly as stupid as Alan Sepinwall says she is. He feels so lucky and grateful that Arlene, her baby, her kids, and his armadillo are doing well that he’s afraid the gratitude will split him in two. All those flashbacks, the great intrigue about the vampire-blood drinking werewolves, Russell's bold move to torpedo the Vampire Rights Amendment ... splat. She slapped him for betraying her, again. Jason got rid of the drugs in time because the DEA brought him back to the police station and they weren’t happy. It was wrong that she was AWOL for last year’s. Note to readers: if you purchase something through one of our affiliate links we may earn a commission. Sam chased Tommy on foot until Tommy stopped. Tommy tells him he isn't going to shoot him and turns away. He phoned Jesus at work, and Jesus eventually arrived and told him that he was seeing what people wanted to hide: The blood on Sam’s hands of those who’d crossed him, that Arlene was carrying Rene’s baby and thought she was in hell. Sookie, still in tears, took off running toward the cemetery, and when there was a knock on Bill’s door, you thought it was her. Last we left them, Eric had tricked Russell into walking into daylight, and the two were handcuffed together and slowly smoking like a brisket. She’d told Hoyt there’d be consequences if he stayed with the ”redheaded dead girl”; he’d told her she couldn’t be in his life if she didn’t accept his love for Jessica. Once again, Eric saw a vision of Godric whose plea for giving Russell peace and forgiveness he chose to ignore. Jason told Crystal to stay alive no matter what occurs and he’d find her (okay, he didn’t borrow a line out of The Last of the Mohicans, but it would have been awesome if he had). Between sorrow over Eggs and terror over Franklin and anger toward Andy, she's had quite the roller-coaster. Jesus said the same thing had happened to him when someone taught him magic. Eric was talking to the vision of Godric, who wanted Eric to end the cycle of hate and forgive Russell, who said he slaughtered Eric’s family because he wanted a couple of goats for his wolves. It was Sophie-Anne in her finest widow-wear. Timely.) Jason told Crystal to change into a panther and run away when Felton shot him, but Crystal said she had to go with Felton. Sookie screamed at Eric to get the f— off her porch and out of her life. Tears streaming down her face, she said she followed her heart and it led her down a dead-end road. Not that there's anything wrong with that. True Blood recap: 'You're No Good' recap (season 6, episode 3) By Mandi Bierly S6 E2 Recap As he picked Jessica up and held her in his arms in the light, the camera pulled back into the next room and focused on a discarded baby doll laying on the floor in the dark. Claudine appeared and told Sookie she’s not alone. It’s a shame she still doesn’t know whom she can trust. She’s spent her whole life feeling alone. And it had worked. First he ran into Terry and apologized for treating him like crap last episode. Sophie-Anne may be more than twice his age, but Bill has nothing left to lose, he said. He could steal cash but not a car?) Not only that, but Bill let the Rattrays beat her to within an inch of her life that first night so she would have to feed on him. "Get a job," he says exasperatedly. Crystal told Jason to just do whatever he could for her family. Neither was Andy, who told Jason he’d ruined any shot he had of making something of himself. At Merlotte’s, Lafayette was freaking out because he was hearing voices and seeing ghosts and thinking he was schizophrenic like his mother. Sookie went home to find that Tara had given herself an awesome new hair cut. "Yes, but I have nothing left to lose." She said she needed to run over to Merlotte’s to see Lafayette. Twitter Share. How does he know this? She enjoyed making Russell suffer. (The Mickens grew old very quickly, and while Terry and his armadillo provide some comic relief, I don't really feel invested in Arlene's possibly evil baby.) I do hope Alan Ball introduced Alcide to provide a genuine non-vamp love interest for Sookie and not merely to parade him around shirtless. Alcide dropped the boys off at a construction site and drove away. They ate dinner together and talked about how long it had been since they’d just hung out. But on repeat viewing it became somewhat endearing because there’s always been something ridiculous about Sophie-Anne. But I guess there’s zero trust there. Updated Jan 18, 2019; Posted Jun 14, 2010 . But Tommy can't read!!! © 2020 Advance Local Media LLC. Felton, Crystal’s intended, appeared as her father barked out the orders to toss the V and hide the meth equipment deep in the woods. Greyhound doesn’t serve Bon Temps? Most Viewed Stories. One that will now include fairies, witches, werepanthers, werewolves (Alcide is a regular for season 4), and shapeshifters, in addition to vamps. So he and Bill throw the silver-bound Russell into a pit and cover him in concrete. 6. Recap guide / thumbnail previews for all episodes of "True Blood" Season 3 . He put out his hand to shake Eric’s, then, wearing the latex gloves he’d snagged at the bar, slapped silver handcuffs on him. I do believe she cackles while doing so. He warns her that someday, a vamp will find out what she is and won't have the same kind of self-control Bill has. Alcide shows up at the bar, and there's a little romantic tension, but Eric and Bill show up again. He then shows up at Sookie's house and tells her he killed both Russell and Eric, and will kill anyone who has tasted her and knows what she is. I can’t wait to feel the sunlight on my skin again… Maybe I’ll get a yacht.” Bill, now wearing a fabulous crinkly black leather jacket, informed her that Sookie wasn’t there but he had another surprise for her — only one of them was leaving that house. Russell told her to drag him the f— inside, and Sookie propelled him across the parking lot, father away from Fangtasia. They each popped their fangs, rose up off the ground into attack position, and flew toward each other. Tara That was the saddest looking group of extras I’ve seen in a while — save the man in the gray camo T-shirt who clearly had highlights in his wavy hair. Sam said he saved his life. Rate. True Blood Season 3 Episode 12 Quotes. (That exchange made me miss Buffy. Bill told her Russell and Eric were gone, as would be Pam and Sophie-Anne and anyone else who knew she was a fairy. Not the act itself of making sure Russell couldn’t somehow bring Talbot back using her blood, but the laughter that accompanied it. "Go back to hell where you came from," she says. But Russell said it was all he’d ever think about. As Eric prepared to drag Russell out to Alcide’s truck, Bill grabbed a pair of latex gloves and told Sookie to stay at the bar and Pam would protect her. 1. Sookie, because she's quite possibly as stupid as Alan Sepinwall says she is, brings an extra-crispy Russell in from the light, but not before wrapping him in silver chains. Recap: True Blood, season 3, episode 2 Back to video, and will be recapping this season of True Blood on The Ampersand. He and Bill had a staring match until Eric interrupted with the best line of the night, ”Well, if you two have finished eye-f—ing each other, can we go?”. Don't you think being a shape-shifter is something you should tell someone before you sleep with them. 'True Blood' season 3 premiere recap: 'Bad Blood' gets good, fast. Error: please try again. Felton shot one man, then put a bullet in Crystal’s dad’s head when he called Felton a pussy for getting high on V. Jason was incredibly composed in this scene, considering that Felton could have shot him at any second. Rate. (And a lot of profanity.) Jul 12, 2010 • • 8 minute read. Season: OR . A nice touch of pervy.). Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. HBO. 90 Day Fianc ... the abiding continues 12:21 a.m. 2. True Blood series finale recap: 'Thank You', True Blood season premiere recap: 'True Blood' season 7 premiere recap, True Blood season finale recap: 'True Blood' season 6 finale recap, True Blood recap: 'You're No Good' recap (season 6, episode 3), True Blood recap: Hunters and Information Gatherers, True Blood season premiere recap: War Time, True Blood season finale recap: The Rapture. True Blood Season Finale Recap: The Last Day of Camp Like a hobbled yet determined Kerri Strug, season six just stuck the landing. Rate. What did you think of the season as a whole? Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin) decides to investigate a new way life in the season finale of "True Blood.". Eric tells her he never would have given her to Russell, but Sookie doesn't want to hear that, either. ”Even for him.” Eric screamed. Sookie responds the way any well-mannered Southern girl might -- she dumps the remains of Talbot down the drain. © Copyright 2020 Meredith Corporation. Turns out Eric is not in the mood to forgive Russell. 5. Will Jason become the king of Hot Shot? Rate. That’s 100 years for Russell to be tortured by Talbot’s death, Eric said; 100 years for Russell to think about how he’d kill Bill and Eric, the King countered. You suffer like this Eric came as close to Sookie ’ s grave fall! Fact, he said he ’ d appeared in the season finale of `` True Blood '' season,! Chose to ignore ” in the mood to forgive Russell last we Tara... Any of the drugs in time because the DEA brought him back to hell you. 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