Nearly all ornamental grasses can be cut back anytime from early fall to late Spring. ft. 3.6 out of 5 stars 815. But if you like things neat and tidy, you will perceive it as floppy and unkempt, perhaps in need of a good staking. Continue reading to learn more about choosing ornamental grasses for zone 6. Ornamental grass typically shows best when grown in clump form. Let Native ensure your grasses and everything else on your landscape thrive and are well maintained. Caren White is a Master Gardener and instructor at Home Gardeners School. It is a great choice as an ornamental grass, thank you for sharing. The plumes of seed heads are light and airy. Miscanthus sinenesis 'Gold Breeze’ (Zebra Grass Gold Breeze) is a variegated Maiden Hair Grass is a stunning selection with unique horizontal bands of gold on the leaves and attractive reddish flowers tassels in late summer. Find a Store Near Me ... 3 Inch(Es)-Pack Zebra Grass in Pot. Solarization. Heidi Thorne from Chicago Area on December 08, 2020: Though I don't have this in my yard, I love the look of zebra grass. Zebra grass also has stunning variegated leaves with creamy golden stripes that cut horizontally across the otherwise green blades of grass. Once you start landscaping with ornamental grasses you'll be amazed by how many varieties, sizes, shapes, and colors are available. It is a great choice as an ornamental grass, thank you for sharing. There are two schools of thought about this. . Ornamental Grasses Hardy to Zone 6. Cut off the bad roots before you replant the ornamental grass sections. Like many grasses, this tough plant tolerates a wide range of conditions. Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on December 08, 2020: I agree with you that the colors of this zebra grass make it a pretty addition to plantings in a garden. 60" tall x 36" wide. Find ornamental grasses at Lowe's today. The clump will not look its best in early spring anyway when it first starts to put out new growth, and if you allow the green shoots to come out of that 5 or 6 inches of stubble, the overall appearance will be even less inspiring. grass. If you want the lovely seed heads on your zebra grass in the fall, you have to feed it a balanced fertilizer that will encourage flowering. Caren White (author) on December 09, 2020: You're selcome! I’m not usually a fan of ornamental grasses. Discard any dead or diseased rhizomes. It makes a sufficiently bold statement to serve as a specimen plant. It stands tall (with an arching form) as a green sentinel in your landscape all summer, then it puts out tiny white blooms, followed by a seed head plumes that offer late-season visual interest. As tough as it is beautiful, zebra grass thrives in U. The foliage grows in an arching form. This attractive foliage warms up to rich gold in the fall before turning to tan over the winter. One of the many advantages of ornamental grasses are they extremely hardy and tolerant. This allows you to see damaged roots or those that may be diseased. The grass family, Poaceae, is among the largest of plant taxonomic groups and includes species known as lawn, bamboo, grain and ornamental grasses. David Beaulieu is a garden writer with nearly 20 years experience writing about landscaping and over 10 years experience working in nurseries. They look great in the fall with their spectacular seed heads, but the rest of the year they just look like . The cultivar name 'Zebrinus' alludes to the stripes on the plant's leaves, which are reminiscent of a zebra's stripes. You need ornamental grasses that are dependable and can (inevitably) take some abuse, and these six options are up for the challenge. Even if a grass becomes too large during the growing season, they can be pruned for shape. Do not use fertilizer intended for your lawn. This is a large ornamental grass, attaining a mature height of up to 7 feet (measuring to the top of the plume; foliage will reach about 5 feet tall) with a spread of 3 to 5 feet. Its botanical name comes from the Greek mischos (meaning "stalk") and the Greek anthos (meaning "flower"). Light Requirements Full Sun, Partial Shade. - Full Sun and Light Shade - Thrives in Heat & Drought - Grows a Tough, Durable, Low-Maintenance Lawn - Seeds up to 2,000 sq. NCYP 31.4" Large Fake Potted Tall Artificial Dwarf Zebra Grass Natural Looking Faux Silvergrass Morning Light,Ornamental Plant,for Home Office Floor Decor Gift 4.7 out of 5 stars 11 $64.93 $ 64 . Zebra grass (Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus') is a perennial grass that is native to Japan. In the cooler zones, give this plant a western exposure in a sheltered area or where cold does not pocket. When I did have ornamental grasses, I left them uncut through the winter, too, and they did very well. Replant your divisions 3 – 4 feet apart. Those stalks protect the crown of the plant from the harsh winter weather. When trying to choose which ornamental grasses to grow, keep in mind that the grasses that are more native to your area and proven to grow in your climate will do the best. Once spring arrives and new growth starts, the previous year’s dead foliage can be sheared right down to the ground. Karley Rose Fountain Grass Award-winner Zebra Grass 'Zebrinus' (Miscanthus sinensis) is a very distinctive ornamental grass with its variegated foliage displaying unusual, horizontal, soft yellow rings along the gracefully arching leaves. The graceful zebra grass plant (Miscanthus sinensis ‘Zebinus’) is sometimes referred to as maiden grass, Japanese silver grass and eulalia. Not all ornamental grasses are the same. . The arching habit of zebra grass can be a blessing or a curse, depending on your preference. Variegated grasses, such as this zebra grass (Miscanthus sinensis ‘Zebrinus’) can lighten up a garden bed all summer long. Use a garden spade to dig up the clump. Other gardeners prefer their gardens to be tidy and cut down their ornamental grasses in the fall. Rinse the tangled mass of roots with water to remove the soil. Japanese silvergrass and ‘Adagio’ Purple fountain grass, other varieties (Pennisetum) Big muhly, Lindheimer’s muhly (Muhlenbergia lindheimeri) Bamboo muhly (Muhlenbergia dumosa) Gulf muhly (Muhlenbergia capillaries) Other suggestions: Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) Skip to main content. Dried plant arrangements are making a comeback today, as many interior decorators encourage their clients to enjoy an element of the outdoors inside their homes. In early fall, more and mor… The two look very much alike because they both sport horizontal stripes. You can fertilize your plants in the spring using a balanced fertilizer such as 10-10-10. Ornamental Grass Care – Cutting Back In The Winter. The plumes add up to 2 feet of height to the plants. It is not invasive, and remains exactly in place, simply growing a little wider and denser. Shop ornamental grasses and a variety of lawn & garden products online at The foliage also serves to protect the crown of the plant from the harsh winter weather. That will force me to choose from some of the most popular plants in Texas horticulture currently. Item #1319693. You can easily remember the difference by considering the 'Strictus' cultivar name as "standing strictly at attention.". You may want to divide your zebra grass every 3 or 4 years to keep it from taking over your garden. ). I hope that you give this grass a try in your garden. and maiden grass (Miscanthus sp. Use these fantastic perennial grasses in the landscape and gardens as vertical accents, in groupings, as mass plantings, as privacy screens, and as centerpieces and accents in container gardens. If the plant is in too much shade, the leaf blades can get floppy, but you can provide a stake or even a tomato cage to help prop them upright. Variegated Liriope 3 1/4 in. Young zebra grass needs regular watering to get established, but a mature specimen will serve as a drought-tolerant ornamental grass. Tall, upright flower stems topped with feathery, silver-white, summer plumes that soften and curl as they dry. This method may take longer but is far less labor intensive. Zebra grass is a favorite among the ornamental grasses and with good reason. I’m going to stick my neck out on this one. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, The Spruce Gardening & Plant Care Review Board, The Spruce Renovations and Repair Review Board. It has become invasive in parts of North America, so be careful to control this one if you add it to your garden. Nithya Venkat from Dubai on December 08, 2020: The zebra grass looks great with the bright green leaves with stripes of cream or gold. Ornamental grasses are a natural way to beautify your property. Zone 4-9. If you choose to cut your zebra grass down in the fall after a hard frost kills the foliage, leave 5 – 6 inches of the stalks rather than cutting them down to soil level. My Choice: Best Ornamental Grass. Use 'Gold Breeze' as a specimen plant or mass it behind beds of large perennials or plantings of smaller shrubs for a striking effect. Solarization is simply the … By late fall, the leaf color becomes more of a beige. Ornamental Grasses. This is such a striking grass. Unlike flowers that require watering, clipping and fertilizing, ornamental grasses need no pampering. A bold, striking selection perfect for borders, containers, and naturalized areas or edges of water gardens. The flowers are tiny and white, appearing in late summer. Zebra grass prefers a soil pH that is roughly neutral. Its showy nature and ease of maintenance makes it one of the most popular ornamental plants. Size: To 6 … Install the Best Ornamental Grasses for Your Texas Landscape. Compare; Find My Store. You can cut them down completely in the spring when your grass starts growing new shoots. I saw zebra grass growing in a friend’s yard and was immediately smitten with its horizontally striped leaves. This grass was once included in the genus Eulalia, but was subsequently reclassified to the genus Miscanthus with retention of its common name of Eulalia grass by many gardeners. for pricing and availability. Use a sharp knife or pruners to separate the rhizomes into new clumps. Model #65975. She has been associated with Rutgers Gardens for over a decade. Zebra grass will grow in almost any kind of soil as long as it has a neutral pH and is moist. Ornamental grasses took the garden world by storm in the 1970’s and 1980’s when the “New American Garden” concepts of the now-famous landscape design team of Oehme and Van Sweden — featuring naturalistic gardens dominated by ornamental grasses — began to appear in public and private gardens and on magazine covers. Bloom Time Late summer. Fertilize with compost or good organic plant food in spring. Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Zoysia Grass Seed and Mulch, 5 lb. Most gardeners purchase their zebra grass as plants from their local nursery. Gardens Alive! It is also known as Japanese silver grass. This grass produces best in moist soils or even boggy riparian edges. 93 The plants may seem to be too far apart at first but once the plants are fully grown, it won’t look so sparse. In this case, cleanup can wait till late winter or early spring because these plants offer value for winter scenes. Thanks for always sharing your lovely garden tips. If you are enamored with luxuriance, you will see it as graceful. Depending on where you live, zebra grass can be an invasive plant, like many other alien plants that spread by means of underground rhizomes. For a clumping plant like this, I drive stakes around the perimeter of the plant, then wrap string around the stakes forming something that looks a lot like a tomato cage. Zebra Grass is noted for its showy, yellow, horizontal bands that gleam in the sunlight. Name: Calamagrostis 'Karl Foerster' Growing Conditions: Full sun and well-drained soil. Most gardeners prefer to cut down their ornamental grasses in the spring, having left the dead foliage to provide interest in their gardens during the winter. Zebra grass (Miscanthus sinensis "Zebrinus"), a native of southeast Asia, is an ornamental grass that grows to heights of 5 to 7 feet feet and has yellow or … Drying and preserving flowers and ornamental grasses was a popular part of home décor during Victorian times. Pots (18-Pack) - Live Groundcover Grass Variegated Liriope is an ornamental grass Variegated Liriope is an ornamental grass with leaves that have bold contrasting stripes of green and creamy yellow. It has an excellent compact habit with superior yellow banding that holds up all season. The fine texture of its blades suggests using it in combination with coarser plants to create a contrast. ‘Little Zebra’ is much more resistant to foliar rust spots than Miscanthus ‘Strictus’ or ‘Zebrinus’. Do not prune grass back until February, right before new grass is to appear.’ Little Zebra’ Grass holds a tight shape like Dwarf Maiden Grass, making it reasonable for smaller spaces. Zebra grass has a moderate to fast growth rate and can be planted in spring or fall. Examples of companion plants include: Zebra grass is one of the deer-resistant ornamental grasses, so you do not have to worry about deer pests coming in and eating it. Zebra grass belongs to the Poaceae family of plants, making it a true grass. The dead stalks also act as a bit of mulch to protect the root system from winter's chilling temperatures. Zebra Grass, Miscanthus sinensis ‘Little Zebra’ This grass is very adaptable in many soil types. Caren White (author) on December 08, 2020: Peggy, I'm happy that you agree. Silvery-white plumes rise above the foliage in late summer and last all winter. Get free shipping on qualified Zebra Grass Ornamental Grasses or Buy Online Pick Up in Store today in the Outdoors Department. The foliage grows to 5 feet tall and 3 – 5 feet wide. But zebra grass has more of an arching habit, whereas the porcupine is more upright. It stands tall (with an arching form) as a green sentinel in your landscape all summer, then it puts out tiny white blooms, followed by a seed head plumes that offers late-season visual interest. Thanks for always sharing your lovely garden tips. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. The rhizome grows and spreads every year, increasing the size of the clump. Sinensis indicates the plant originated in China. Those fertilizers have high concentrations of nitrogen to encourage your lawn to produce foliage only. There are hardy ornamental grasses that are suitable for almost every condition in zone 6 landscapes. Zebra grass also has stunning variegated leaves with creamy golden stripes that cut horizontally across the otherwise green blades of grass. However, in regions with early or severe winters, spring planting is recommended to give the grass sufficient time to develop in its first season. Little Zebra grass is a clump-forming ornamental grass that grows into a dense mound of upright leaves which arch over, making a graceful and elegant plant. When should you cut down your zebra grass, in the fall or the spring? A much simpler approach is to wait until late winter or early spring and then shear the stalks right down to ground level. Tolerant of shade and damp conditions, it is can be grown in gardens unsuited to many other ornamental grasses as this one prefers moist soil. A cottage garden will be enhanced by one or more clumps of zebra grass up against a wall or fence. Feed zebra grass lightly every spring, using an application of a balanced, general-purpose garden fertilizer. Lilyturf (Liriope muscari) Also known as the big blue lilyturf, it is actually an evergreen grass-like … Two of the most common types of hardy ornamental grass are feather reed grass (Calamagrotis sp.) In early fall, more and more of a golden coloration creeps into the leaves. Zebra grass grows from an underground rhizome. The plant is hardy in zones 5 – 9. Happy Holidays! If you prefer to cut the stalks early, leave 5 or 6 inches sticking up, then trim off that remaining 5 or 6 inches in late winter or early spring. If it doesn’t get enough sun, its graceful arching leaves will start to get floppy and unable to stand up on their own. When it blooms, its plumes add another possible 2 feet to its height. Keep your plants well watered for the first year as they settle into their new home. Provide full sun for optimal growth. Then take a garden hose and wash the roots so that you can see what you are doing. Mexican Feather Grass. Plant them 3 – 4 feet apart. Alternatively, exploit its screening ability by planting it in hedges. If this happens and you don’t have a sunnier spot in your yard to move your grass to, you can try staking the plant. Most warm-season ornamental grasses thrive with warmer soil temperatures at about 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit and air temperatures even a little hotter. Height 4 - 7 feet. A lovely dwarf ornamental grass with graceful, arching blades with eye-catching ivory to yellow highlights. Landscaping Uses and Care for Maiden Grass, 10 Best Ornamental Grasses for Containers, 12 Best Ornamental Grasses for Your Landscape, 8 Best Ornamental Grasses to Add Privacy to the Garden, How to Grow and Care for Bristle Leaf Sedge (Carex Eburnea), 13 Types of Colorful Ornamental Grass for Fall, Golden Japanese Forest Grass Plant Profile, How to Cut Back Ornamental Grasses in Spring or Fall. Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus' is a good option for low-maintenance landscaping and is tolerant of a variety of soil conditions. Zebra grass is similar to porcupine grass (Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus'), another popular tall ornamental grass. When I did have ornamental grasses, I left them uncut through the winter, too, and they did very well. $42.27$42.27. You might have noticed Mexican feather grass (Nassella tenuissima or … You can make zebra grass a focal point by growing it in the middle of shorter plants. Since zebra grass is at its best in late summer and in fall, some gardeners like to choose companion plants for it that also look their best during the August-October period, so as to create a display area with optimal visual interest for that time of year. Ship As 2" POT. Ornamental grasses display attractive leaves or seed plumes and gardeners use them just like perennials, providing color and textural interest in mixed plantings or in meadows. Zebra grass (Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus') is a favorite among the ornamental grasses, with good reason. The most popular ornamental grass, feather reed grass offers a distinct upright habit that looks fantastic all winter long. Heidi Thorne from Chicago Area on December 08, 2020: Though I don't have this in my yard, I love the look of zebra grass. They are followed by silvery seed heads in the fall. To propagate and/or revitalize the plant, you can divide it in spring every few years right before or right after the grass blooms or divide the grass clumps when the plant breaks dormancy. Full sun is recommended and moist soil is preferred. Zebra grass is a graceful and impressive ornamental grass that lends a cream- or yellow-striped foliage to the landscape. The plant is drought tolerant, but grows best if the soil is consistently moist. Some gardeners like to leave the stalks in place during winter, rather than cutting them. Zebra grass grows best in full sun (6 – 8 hours of sunlight daily). First, I’m going to pick my own personal choice as the one ornamental grass I’d have if I could have only one. Maiden grass (Miscanthus sinensis) var. (Dwarf Zebra Grass) Miscanthus ‘Little Zebra’ is a dwarf selection of zebra grass that is destined to become very popular. 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