Include vertical interest in your plantings with tall ornamental grasses. Copyright © 2020 Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. | Gray green leaves form clumps that grow to 5 feet tall. In our opinion, the best ornamental grasses for shade are: And if you want ornamental grasses for sun, the best ornamental grasses for sun include: No matter what your garden decor...cottage, formal, rock garden, container plant (thrillers, fillers, spillers), etc....there is an ornamental grass for you. Evergreen grasses such as Carex combine well with winter bedding to give height and a contrast in texture. One of the many advantages of ornamental grasses are they extremely hardy and tolerant. Leaves turn burgundy in fall. Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus'is an excellent grass for adding height and structure to the back of borders. Conditions: Full sun to light shade; tolerates a wide variety of soils. All rights reserved. Leaves top out around 4 to 6 feet. The foliage and flower plumes of ornamental grasses are what add interest to a landscape. It stands tall, growing upright to 6 feet (2 m.), and looks attractive all year. Grasses are split between evergreen and deciduous. Since 1988, THE source for buying native, rare, and unique perennials. Most ornamental grasses … For woodland gardens, you can select great shade tolerant ornamental grasses. Flower plumes start purple-green and ripen to gold in autumn. Hardy in Zones 5 to 9. Hardy in Zones 5 to 9. Pampas grass is known for its large, showy flower plumes, which appear in late summer. ‘Northwind’ combines classic switch grass color of olive- to blue-green leaves with a narrow footprint to create a strong, tall grass clump. How low does blue fescue (Festuca glauca) grow? For immediate help or to order plants call, Andropogon gerardii 'Blackhawks' PP 27,949, Panicum virgatum 'Blue Fountain' PP 28,192, Panicum virgatum 'Ruby Ribbons' PP 17,944, Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Cayenne' PP 31,097, Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hush Puppy' PP 31,027, Pennisetum alopecuroides 'JS Jommenik' PP 27,435, Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Praline' PP 30,724, Schizachyrium scoparium 'Twilight Zone' PP 27,432. ophiopogon (mondo grass - great short ornamental grass plants), carex (sedge) - the toughest of the shade ornamental grasses. There is a rich variety of colored ornamental grasses including blue, purple and even black. Evergreen plants are best for year-round color and screening. Flower heads are still large and fluffy, though, perfect for dried arrangements. Hardy in Zones 5 to 9. Cool-Season Evergreen Grasses Also called giant feather grass, golden oats (Stipa gigantea) is an evergreen grass with golden, airy blooms that protrude above the foliage during late spring. Probably the biggest change in garden over the last few years has been the growth of interest in ornamental grasses. Clumps have a strong upright form that’s versatile and low-maintenance in the landscape. Older gardens concentrated on flowering plants, and grass was just something to make a lawn with.As gardeners looked for innovative ideas to make interesting gardens, they discovered the world of grasses… Ornamental grasses are low maintenance, easy to care for, and tough as nails...perfect as deer resistant ground cover for gardeners of all skill levels. Reddish-brown flowers transform into silver-white heads that linger into early winter. It’s time to get beyond lawn grasses … Hardy in Zones 4 to 8. Ornamental Grasses. The variegated pattern in leaves is such that, from a distance, the grass appears mostly white. ‘Indian Warrior’ is a hybrid of native big bluestem grass, which was the predominant plant in the American tallgrass prairie. Japanese Forest Grass (Hakonechloa) Japanese Forest Grass is a popular choice for gardens since … This grass is invasive in some areas. This feather reed grass forms tight clumps 12 to 18 inches wide with leaves 3 to 5 feet tall. Learn which ornamental and native grasses have an aggressive habit, which is not recommended for smaller gardens. Size: 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide. Pampas Grass (Cortaderia selloana) ​The tender variety of pampas grass, Cortaderia selloana, can … ‘Karl Foerster’ Feather Reed Grass (Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’) Need … In late summer, silvery flower spikes appear and add another 3 to 6 feet to the clump, bringing the final height to 8 to 12 feet. Nearly 8ft tall at maturity. Always wear long sleeves and gloves when working around it. Ficinia truncata 'Ice Crystal' in stock. It offers narrow, arching foliage (many selections are variegated; look for them to add more color to your … Winter foliage is dusky brown. This grass may self-sow. Spreading gr… This beautiful ornamental has upright, glossy green foliage and interesting, animated leaf tips that resemble party favors. Blue Fescue. A hedge of multi-stemmed trees or shrubs is an … Now, you’re ready to cut the grass with pruning shears. Feather reed grass (Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’) wins the popularity contest for zone 7 ornamental grasses. As a garden design element, decorative ornamental grasses offer textural relief from round foundation shrubs, and their interest spans all the seasons. Pampas grass needs room in the landscape—clumps grow 5 to 12 feet tall and 4 to 7 feet wide. Ornamental grasses are sometimes overlooked as plants that can add interest to the landscape. Leaves reach 4 to 5 feet tall. Watering. Upright, stiff leaves mimic the quills of a porcupine, while horizontal gold bands give green leaves a zebra effect. Annual grasses live for only one growing season because of their natural growth habit or they are not hardy in our climate.Grasses have growth habits that are either clumping or spreading. Fall color features blends of orange, purple, beige and brown. Two of the most common types of hardy ornamental … And you will find the best grass right here at Plant Delights Nursery. Coppery pink flowers don’t appear until fall, so if frost arrives early in your region, you may never see this grass bloom. A true classic when it comes to ornamental grasses. Carex morrowii ‘Evergold’, ‘Eversheen’, ‘Everest’, ‘Everlime’, ‘Everillo’ (S) 12-18 inches high, 24 inches wide Green gold, green/lime, green/white, lime green, all gold. Plants are adaptable, growing in any soil, as long as it’s in full sun. Ornamental grasses are becoming increasingly available at local nurseries and garden centers. It will spread 3-8" each year … Ornamental grasses have it all, adding so much to the landscape. Flowers open in dark red in midsummer and linger until midwinter in beige shades. Ornamental Grasses Hardy to Zone 6. Continue reading to learn more about choosing ornamental grasses for zone 6. Seedheads emerge in early summer and take the plant height to 6 feet. Pink flower plumes appear in late summer and linger into winter. How to Prune Ornamental Grasses. The former requires minor pruning each year and … ga('set', 'contentGroup1', 'Theme Category Page'); The very best perennial ornamental grasses, the top ornamental grasses for sun & shade, towering tall ornamental grasses, and more. Hardy in Zones 5 to 10. Hardy in Zones 8 to 10. Plants grow to 4 feet, with flower plumes adding another foot to overall height. Frost grass brings a bamboo-like look to the garden with horizontal leaves, which take on purple to burgundy tints in fall. One of the few ornamental grasses that grows well in moderately shady locations, Deschampsia cespitosa (Tufted Hair Grass) is a clump-forming, cool season, semi-evergreen grass forming a low … ‘Northwind’ Switch Grass (Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’), Pennisetum glaucum 'Purple Majesty' Ornamental Millet, ‘Karl Foerster’ Feather Reed Grass (Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’), ‘Feather Pink’ Pampas Grass (Cortaderia selloana ‘Feather Pink’), Blue Heaven Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium ‘MinnblueA’), ‘Indian Warrior’ Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii ‘Indian Warrior’), Porcupine Grass (Miscanthus sinensis ‘Strictus’), ‘Dixieland’ Maiden Grass (Miscanthus sinensis ‘Dixieland’), ‘Prairie Sky’ Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum ‘Prairie Sky’), ‘Pumila’ Pampas Grass (Cortaderia selloana ‘Pumila’), ‘Eldorado’ Feather Reed Grass (Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Eldorado’), Why Plant a Prairie Garden? Photo By: Image courtesy of Bailey Nurseries, Inc. Photo By: Image courtesy of, Photo By: Image courtesy of All-American Selections, Photo By: Image courtesy of Ball Horticultural Company. You'll recognize this ornamental millet, Pennisetum glaucum 'Purple Majesty,' by its large, cattail-like plumes and dark purple foliage. For lovers of native plants, the US is home to a wide variety of decorative native grasses thanks to our large prairies.Ornamental grass varieties have become incredibly popular and important landscape decorations to the garden over the last several decades and rightly so. Once established, ornamental grasses … Silky pink flower plumes appear on grass clumps in late summer and linger all winter long. Ornamental Grass Care – Cutting Back In The Winter. Hardy in Zones 5 to 9. Give this grass sun to light shade in fertile, well-drained soil on the moist side. It sparkles when planted against dark evergreens. It is tough and tolerates a range of growing conditions. Well, not as low as closely sheared … Evergreen … Gold-tinted flowers form in early summer, taking the height to 6 feet. There is a rich variety of colored ornamental grasses including green, blue, chartreuse, purple and even black. Plumes linger through winter. 9241 Sauls Rd, Raleigh, NC 27603 | All rights reserved. There are hardy ornamental grasses that are suitable for almost every condition in zone 6 landscapes. Wherever you live in Britain, miscanthus sinensis like good soil and summer rain Miscanthus sinensis is the grass you’re … Check out our many blog posts about ornamental grasses and native grasses. Need a grass for wet soil? Hardy in Zones 3 to 9. Trees, shrubs, ornamental grasses, bamboos and vines can all provide privacy in a garden. ‘Prairie Sky’ has a strongly columnar form, growing 4 to 6 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide. Hardy in Zones 4 to 8. Grow this grass to bring a menagerie to your yard. Hardy in USDA zones 5 through 9, feather reed grass … You can either make a single bundle or multiple ones if your ornamental grass is spread throughout your garden. One of the most common grasses, maiden grass is big, beautiful, and easy to grow. Leaves develop smoky purple tints in fall, ripening to purple-red. Flower plumes appear in midsummer, bringing the total height to 7 feet. A power … You can use any wide tape or bungee cords to tie up ornamental grasses. Once a year is all you need to keep your ornamental grasses … Green leaves sport gold midribs on this ornamental grass. Established clumps are a beautiful sight when in bloom.----- Hardy in Zones 5 to 9. They come in all sizes and shapes, from tall to dwarf, narrow to wide, compact to wild, and dense to airy. Pruning ornamental grasses is a necessary garden chore, but don’t worry: it is an easy task to do. Blue Heaven forms tight, tall clumps filled with steel blue leaves. And there are many drought tolerant grasses for those of you who are xeric minded. By late summer the foliage has turned to gold, accompanied by tall plumes of copper-pink flower that make a showy architectural feature. If the grass is tall, you may want to tie it in two or three spots. This grass has razor sharp edges. Does well in dry-soil and has the ability to grow in full sun or full shade. Nearly all ornamental grasses can be cut back anytime … Pruning ornamental grasses is an easy task with this helpful guide. Plants top out at 5 to 6 feet and thrive in any soil but wet. Ornamental grasses refers to both true grasses and plants that have a grass-like appearance, such as sedges, that are used for similar purposes in gardens.Most ornamental grasses are perennials, living for two or more years. Flower stalks appear in late summer and linger into winter. Check out ‘Karl Foerster’. White feathery panicles atop thick stalks on top of mounds of grass. To Restore a Natural American Habitat, That’s Why, The Prettiest Ornamental Grasses for Sun and Shade. Hardy in Zones 3 to 9. Pampas grass can be invasive in some areas. Powder-blue leaves turn yellow in fall, fading to brown for winter. Johnston's Evergreen Nursery in Erie, PA grows ornamental grasses including several varieties of fountain grasses, switch grass, maiden grass, silver grass, blood grass, oat grass, forest grass, blue … No matter what conditions you have in your garden, there are ornamental grasses for you. Using hedge shears, cut the stalks 4 to 6 inches above the ground for … Pruning of grasses could not be simpler if you follow my handy guide. Hardy in Zones 4 to 9. ‘Pumila’ is a dwarf version that grows 4 to 6 feet tall and only 3 to 4 feet wide. The vertical stems are well worth leaving to provide dramatic winter interest. Use this All-American Selections Gold Medal Winner for cut flowers, as a backdrop for shorter plants or in large, mixed containers. The very best perennial ornamental grass for shade and sun, towering tall ornamental grasses, small variegated grasses, and more. Plants grow 4 to 5 feet tall. Green and white variegated leaves form a 4- to 5-foot fountain in this ornamental grass. This eye-catching grass is best known for its early summer foliage with distinctive cream bands that stripe each blade. The more spreading, taller varieties can grow to 7 feet or higher. © 2020 Discovery or its subsidiaries and affiliates. Mostly, ornamental grasses grow between 1-6 feet tall and 1-3 feet in girth. Hot, dry conditions kill frost grass. M. sinensis 'Strictus' is visually very similar, though a little taller. Learn how to prune short, medium and tall ornamental grasses, plus evergreen grasses. Tall grasses can add structure, colour and interest to even the saddest winter garden. Carex pensylvanica is a Sedge that reproduces by rhizomes and is low growing, 8" tall when blooming. There are many drought tolerant grasses and a variety of native grasses. (shipped within 7 working days) WEEPING BROWN SEDGE (S) Carex flagellifera 18 inches high, 24 inches wideFinely textured, warm bronze foliage with mounding form.ORANGE SEDGE (S)Carex testacea 18 inches high, 24 inches wideOlive green foliage with orange tips in winter. The best perennial ornamental grasses for shade and sun, towering tall ornamental grasses, variegated grasses... Ornamental grasses are low maintenance...perfect as deer resistant ground cover. Tall grasses, such as pampas grass, vetiver and giant reed, can be used to divide the landscape into distinct spaces and are effective as hedges or screens. For smaller gardens are hardy ornamental … you can either make a single bundle or ones... Best for year-round color and screening and 2 to 3 feet wide, to. Plumes start purple-green and ripen to gold in autumn gold in autumn ornamental grasses for you two or spots... 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