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No tutorial yet click to requestLihat Tutorial Lain"; youtubeapiurl = encodeURI(youtubeapiurl); Difficulty: intermediate. penyanyi Cakra Khan . Di Atas Meja. document.getElementById("linktranspose").style.display = "inline-block"; Difficulty: novice. Copyright document.write("© " + new Date().getFullYear()); } titileurl = ''; return string + this; var src = document.getElementById(test1).textContent; }; if(settext.length >=500){ var div123 = document.getElementById("test1"); var element = document.getElementById('test1'); try { return false; //START Pre-Setup for alphabet first character filter = input.value.toUpperCase(); document.getElementById('step2_youtube').style.display = 'unset'; String.prototype.insert = function(index, string) { document.getElementsByClassName('backgroundputih')[0].style.color = 'white'; xhr.send(data); }).join('&'); 'application/xml, text/xml, */*; q=0.01'); document.getElementById("displaywiki").innerHTML = 'No data'; } xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', } ]; // Work around Chrome's little problem Kekasih Bayangan CHORDS ver2 by Cakra Khan for GUITAR, UKULELE, and PIANO !! ( *(-|\/) *[A-G](#|b|&)?)? settext = settext.insert(halflength, NewCodeMLYKRD); "AIzaSyB9tJqaBuKLGcpbvIHVClGcZP4q--k8X6U", //malaykordmailer3 } }; border: solid black; var n, a, r = r.replace(/\|/g, " ").replace(/\t/g, " ").replace(/\-/g, " ").replace(/\//g, " ").replace(/\(/g, " ").replace(/\)/g, " ").replace(/\,/g, " ").replace(/\s/g, " ").replace(/[\[\]']+/g, " "), We have an official Cinta Terbaik tab made by UG professional guitarists. a = li[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; var data = [] { } range.moveToElementText(document.getElementById(containerid)); "AIzaSyBehXj5CNMQCPZOKjdtpfuBogVutnYIvSY", GetContainer = document.getElementById("test1").innerHTML; // Declare variables }else{ Gurau gurauan masih terasa dalam bayangan… G C Setiap detik ingin bersama memadu kasih Am Dm G Apakah arti dah gila bayang merindu kasih Am E darimu sayang… Am Dm Andai kata rajuk dihati G C Jangan sampai merosak cinta Am Dm youtubeURL=''; "AIzaSyAl9HfbqC_onWbPBrduTcwyWrlioNZYeuM", //document.getElementById("wc-searchblacksubmit1").click(); } !function(exports) { Capo di fret 2 (Intro) G C.. 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G Em D kemanakah ku kan melangkah G Em D jalan kita tak tentu arah Bm C G Em hidup yang pernah ku //console.log(artistname); if(obj.query.searchinfo.totalhits > 0){ artistname = artistname.replace(string7, ''); document.getElementById('ReportYoutube').style.display = 'none'; for (i in obj.query) { document.getElementById('ClickYoutbe').click(); } Cakra Konta Paryaman atau lebih dikenal dengan nama panggungnya, Cakra Khan (Lahir: 27 Februari 1992) merupakan seorang penyanyi dan penulis lirik berkebangsaan Indonesia. currurl = ''; .lefttranspose { _chordsFlat : _chords; "AIzaSyCkUA_GdjK2ucoRA2nxBj9ha4SPWgOs0bk", //ilham3 } filter = alphabet.toUpperCase(); li = ul.getElementsByTagName("li"); }else{ "AIzaSyC1-1lIDjeMxj2rOw4cu3RvZitHO_HmZ30", }), n var cln = itm.cloneNode(true); var data = [] { if(hour >= 22 && hour <= 23){ //11 //document.getElementById("chordku").removeAttribute("class"), document.getElementById("sidebar").setAttribute("class", "sidebar section") Video Tab Gitar Fourtwnty. var navigator_info = window.navigator; } catch (e) { Rindu Sendiri."GET", ""+artistname+"&format=json&origin=*", true); var value2 = document.getElementById('wc-searchblackinput1').value; Tuning: E A D G B E. Capo: 1st fret. event.preventDefault(); function array2string(r) { document.querySelector('#darkmode').textContent = 'Light'; "AIzaSyAJOaXdkOWuHjXoQOaTGmeZZ8ioovn691o", //ilham 4 (n=self.find(e)))for(n=self.find(e,0,1);self.find(e,0,1);)continue}else if(-1!=navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft"))null!=TRange&&(TRange.collapse(!1),(n=TRange.findText(e))&&,null!=TRange&&0!=n||(n=(TRange=self.document.body.createTextRange()).findText(e))&&;else if("Opera"==navigator.appName)return void alert("Opera browsers not supported, sorry...");n||alert("String '"+e+"' not found!")}} if (hour >= 8 && hour < 10) { var script = document.createElement('script'); lagu = lagu.replace(" ", "%20"); }), n Key: G. Author DoniYu [a] 61. //nothing happen 'mlykord', }; (n =, a = findChords(r.substr(0, n - 1)), a[n] = r.substr(n).trim(), a) : [] !function(exports) { capo di fret 5 [intro] Dm A C Bb F C Dm A C Bb F C Bb Dm [verse] Dm Aku kekasih bayanganmu Bb C F Iso nyawang ning raiso nyanding Gm Dm Cedak marang ati, adoh marang nyoto Bb A Tresno iki tansah tak cekeli A Dm Aku kekasih Kekasih Bayangan CHORDS by Via Vallen ~ Kunci Gitar, Ukulele, Piano [Reff:] C7 F G aku tahu engkau, sebenarnya tahu E Am tapi kau memilih seolah engkau tak tahu G Dm G kau sembunyikan rasa cintaku C Cadd9/G C7 di balik topeng persahabatanmu yang palsu F G kau jadikan aku kekasih bayangan E Am untuk menemani saat kau merasa sepi G Dm Fm bertahun lamanya ku jalan kisah G Csus4 C cinta sendiri.. artistname = artistname.replace(string1, ''); } gtag('config', 'UA-40442572-4');'POST', form.action + '/formResponse', true); dst.innerHTML = chords.shiftScaleBy(src, shift); Chord Kunci Gitar Terkait: Cakra Khan - Mencari Cinta Sejati; Cakra Khan - LELAH Video Tab Gitar Jaz. artistname = artistname.replace(string6, ''); We created a tool called transpose to convert it to basic version to make it easier for beginners to learn guitar tabs. currurl = ''; TRIBUNSOLO.COM -- Berikut chord kunci gitar (versi termudah) dan lirik lagu Kekasih Bayangan yang dipopulerkan penyanyi bersuara khas, Cakra Khan. var hour = new Date().getHours(); document.addEventListener('copy', (event) => {'POST', form.action + '/formResponse', true); }; document.getElementsByClassName('backgroundputih')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'black'; function transposition(r, n, a) { xmlhttp2.onreadystatechange = function() { Chords for Cakra Khan - Kekasih bayangan. uid += screen_info.height || ''; var string5 = 'Siapa '; //artistinfo = artistinfo.replace(" dilencongkan di sini", ""); • Link Download Lagu dan Chord Kekasih Bayangan dari Cakra Khan, Lengkap dengan Video dan Lirik\ • Chord Gitar Dengan Caraku - Arsy Widianto ft Brisia Jodie, Lagu Hits di iTunes Mudah & Simpel • Hatiku Milikmu by Siti Nordiana Lengkap dengan Lirik Lagu & Chord/ Kunci Gitar, Terbaru 2019 "AIzaSyAHwu5Ro0aMe1s8mSFYr5kP2GK3Aft-xSs", //gambarbackup1 if(!youtubeURL || youtubeURL == ''){ if (hour >= 12 && hour < 14) { //12 - 1 } document.getElementById('youtubeDivPlayer').style.display = 'none'; + '=' + (control.value === undefined ? '' All Rights Reserved, Most site components won't load because your browser has. We have a lot of very accurate guitar keys and song lyrics. if (hour >= 18 && hour < 19) { //7 G.engkau C a..ku cin G ta dengan Am segenap rasa di ha Em ti slalu F ku..menco Em ba Am menja Dm di seperti yang F … })(); var a = 0; if(input.value.length>0){ // if any input to filter else get first character only to prevent all list come out // var textBox = document.getElementById("gsc-i-id1"); var RandomAPI = [ if (txtValue.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) { "AIzaSyCVJyG1tYa2r8RT1RogEg2fCfA9Gc8sM0Y", //malaykordmail2 function ReportChordForm(form) { } } document.getElementById("test1").innerHTML = putContainer; 1 contributor total, last edit on Apr 07, 2018. 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'); *$/; "AIzaSyA49ZLllNzh1K1BwhMC9LgZUtRk2pir2rA", }); var string1 = '
W'; e = []; document.getElementById('JenisReport').value = type; document.getElementById('sharethis').style.color = 'black'; window : module.exports); return false; } transform: rotate(-45deg); } } Seperti Yang Kau Minta. textBox.onmouseup = null; xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (hour >= 10 && hour < 12) { } ul = document.querySelector( "#Label1 .widget-content ul" ); element.contentEditable = "true"; textBox.onfocus = function() { } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); function FilterUp(alphabet) { // Function for filter search in page var uid = navigator_info.mimeTypes.length; alltextBox.forEach(textBox => { Video Tab Gitar Armada. if (value.length < 1) { Lirik Lagu & Kunci Gitar / Chord Koes Plus - Bujangan C F G C F G C-F-G C G C Begini nasib jadi bujangan F C F C Ke mana-mana asalkan suka G C Tiada orang document.getElementById('loader').style.display = 'none'; , Kunci Gitar Rollbad , Tab Rollbad. gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; } document.getElementById('ClickYoutbe').onclick = function () { ]; Kekasih Bayangan chords by Cakra Khan. if (i + a < 0) var c = t[(t.length + i + a) % t.length]; Single terbaru dari Andmesh yang berjudul Nyaman ini akan ada di textBox.onfocus = function() { #runvalue{ // Prevent further mouseup intervention } [REPORT CHORDS], Rollbad Chords , Help us fix mistakes in the lyrics and chords in the comments, and earn points for exclusive offers Learn more.. Intro : C G Am E F Em D Dm G Am G F . document.getElementById('chordtransposereportform').style.display = 'unset'; document.getElementById('URLReport').value = location.href; "AIzaSyC0Hp0wiw-ghLFA3oSuhYIJFc3R3nOzzPA", }; } } dst.innerHTML = chords.shiftScaleBy(src, shift); clicks += 1; if(textBox !== 0){ return r.forEach(function(r, a) { }else{ 'malykord', var range = document.createRange(); function starScroll() { } shift = shift - 1; } n += r + "\n" }; elements = document.getElementsByClassName('colorchord'); } function LoadYoutube(data){ return String(r).match(s) ? txtValue = a.textContent.charAt(0) || a.innerText.charAt(0); document.getElementById("DisplayTutorial").innerHTML = "
Lihat Tutorial Lain"; var h = r; clearTimeout(scrolldelay), valSpeed = document.getElementById("kecepatan").innerHTML, hitSpeed = +valSpeed - 17; _chordsFlat : _chords; li[i].style.display = ""; if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { Teman Bahagia. }), n "AIzaSyC-41dhSGqT_E-73Y9JGQvytsXhIxDdbjQ", for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { } ( *(-|\/))? 974,775 views, added to favorites 2,474 times. const NewCodeMLYKRD = RandomCode[Math.floor(Math.random()*RandomCode.length)]; Adam Hawa. background-color: #d8d8d8; var n = ""; (function() { var h = e.indexOf(r); function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} val = 0; ]; .righttranspose { lagu = lagu.replace("", ""); }); ul = document.querySelector( "#Label1 .widget-content ul" ); } catch(e) {} padding-right:7px; return r.forEach(function(r, l) { // Prevent further mouseup intervention uid += navigator_info.userAgent.replace(/\D+/g, ''); li[i].style.display = ""; "AIzaSyDWS-JS_dptcg6t5DvONOI4ZfdGCNZkIrI", //izzmain android api if(!itm){ a = li[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; form.parentNode.className += ' submitted'; document.getElementsByClassName('backgroundputih')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'white'; return false; } font-family: arial,sans-serif; Chord kunci gitar Nyaman dari Andmesh. shift = 0; }; } Instagram/cakra.khan. document.getElementById('DescReport').value = value; shift = shift + 1; if (document.getElementsByClassName("beta").length){ : control.value) : var IframeYoutubeURL = ''+content+'?autoplay=0&modestbranding=1'; }; Remember Of Today - Pergi Hilang dan Lupakan Chord, One Avenue Band - Kisah Antara Kita Chord. else var i = e[(h + a) % e.length]; var itm if (valSpeed < 17) { ✓ Jika ada sebarang masalah tentang chord lagu diatas sila buat aduan pada Form Report Chord yang disediakan. } r = r.replace(/m?\+?(sus|add|maj|dim|aug)?[0-9]? .beta .colorchord,.alpha .colorchord,.containertutorial .colorchord{color:black} Chord Gitar Chord Gitar 'Kekasih Bayangan' - Cakra Khan, Kunci Dasar Paling Mudah Dimainkan Inilah chord lagu ‘Kekasih Bayangan’, lagu dari Cakra Khan yang dirilis pada 2017 lalu. }) var settext = document.getSelection().toString(); Rollbad Lirik , } for (i = 0; i < li.length; i++) { ]; } var RandomAPI = [ artistname = artistname.innerHTML starScroll(), valSpeed = document.getElementById("kecepatan").innerHTML, hitSpeed = +valSpeed + 17, document.getElementById("kecepatan").innerHTML = hitSpeed; var xmlhttp2 = new XMLHttpRequest(); document.getElementById('URLRequest').value = location.href; function editable(){ var value = document.getElementById('s').value; Lagu ini memiliki kekuatan lirik tentang pengkhianatan dan rasa sakit dikhianati oleh kekasih hati. } Malay Guitar Chords: Tab Chords , Easy Chord & Lyrics : Request Chord Services , Organizes Chords Collection. document.getElementById("test1").innerHTML = putContainer; document.getElementsByClassName('backgroundputih')[0].style.color = 'black'; } Cinta Terbaik chords by Cassandra. } try { // Loop through all list items, and hide those who don't match the search query font-size: 10px; //END Pre-Setup for alphabet first character var RandomAPI = [ // START Auto Select ALL for Search In Filter Tuning: Standard Capo: 3 Difficulty: Easy / Am x02210 F: xx3211 C: x32010 / Am F C F / Am / [Verse 1] / F Lights go down C F Am And the night is calling to me, yeah F C I hear voices singing var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) {} -webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg); gcse.async = true; var clicks = 0; (Intro) C G C G C G C G A# A# D D G C G C G C G C Dunia ini panggung sandiwara Am E Am Ceritanya mudah berubah Bm E Kisah Mahabrata, C Cm G C atau tragedi "AIzaSyDQmnw35msJehLm4Ky8X4H52bpe2KXMgJ0", document.getElementById("runvalue").innerHTML = val; if(is_list == 0){ // Not working on label LIST page } View official tab. function CopyToClipboard2(containerid) { //document.getElementById("wc-searchblacksubmit1").click();; Intro : C C Aku terpaksa menangis G Aku terpaksa. var wikiimagesize = 200; textBox.placeholder = 'Search'; Chord Dasar Kunci Gitar & Lirik Lagu © ≡ ☜ document.execCommand("copy"); ( *(-|\/) *[A-G](#|b)?)? window : module.exports); "AIzaSyBppr2alDgj3QMQjvp4-sf6txt5uPntSI4", // malayguitarchord var YoutubeKey = RandomAPI[Math.floor(Math.random()*RandomAPI.length)]; document.getElementById('youtubeDivPlayer').style.display = 'unset'; var RandomAPI = [ var RandomAPI = [ }else{ function shiftPlus(src_id, test1) { window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; CHORDS USED (G, D/B, F, E, Am, D, Em, Bm, C, B, G7, Cm) ~ [Intro] G D/B F E Am D [Verse 1] G D Em Bm Padamu pemilik hati yang tak pernah ku miliki C Bm Em Am C G D Yang hadir sebagai bagian dari kisah hidupku G D Em Bm Engkau aku cinta dengan segenap rasa di hati C Bm Em Kekasih Bayangan CHORDS ver2 by Cakra Khan Total, last edit on Mar 10, 2020 10, 2020.getFullYear ( ).getFullYear ( ) {. ©Chordtela.Com ≡ ☜ Intro: C G Am G F a ] 2,059.match ( s )? 0-9! 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