ultimately went as far as slaughter because of the engagement of the slaves. gang of Milo arrived, itself demanding an electoral meeting too. without colleague. Item cum senatus in porticu Pompeii haberetur ut Pompeius posset interesse, unum eum excuti prius quam in senatum intraret iusserat. Pompeius, qui pro cos. ad urbem erat, viderent ne quid detrimenti res publica caperet, dilectus autem Pompeius tota Italia haberet. likewise he was indicted de ambitu by these same Appii, and besides by Caius Ateius
city than the slaughter of Clodius. Because of these suspicions, Pompeius. Scire tamen nemo umquam potuit utram sententiam tulisset. I cite the following commentaries by the authors' names only: M. T. Ciceronis Pro M. Caelio Oratio3, ed. pp. speech to the Town Council of Aricia. complained that assassination plots were being laid against himself, and openly at that,
Is cum faceret ludos Apollinares, ita infima coacta multitudo annonae caritate tumultuata est ut omnes qui in theatro spectandi causa consederant pellerentur. prosecutors showed that Milo had made an ambush on Clodius, Cicero proved that it
Many of
(45) AT QUO DIE? He was indicted, however, de sodaliciis and de ambitu with the confident
Is quotiens quaesitor iudicii alicuius esset in quo quaerebatur de homine occiso suadebat atque etiam praeibat iudicibus hoc quod Cicero nunc admonet, ut quaereretur cui bono fuisset perire eum de cuius morte quaeritur. . In that meeting he spoke the following, and I quote: John Paul Adams, CSUN
Senate. Pompei - te enim appello, et ea voce ut me exaudire possis - tuas, inquam, suspiciones perhorrescimus. Fuerunt qui crederent M. Catonis sententia eum esse absolutum; [54] nam et bene cum re publica actum esse morte P. Clodi non dissimulaverat et studebat in petitione consulatus Miloni et reo adfuerat. When this was found out, he was tossed into the public lockup. remaining jurors [p. 35 KS] who are to give their verdict is fifty-one [ 81 - 30 = 51 ]. Deinde omni vi ianua expugnata et imagines maiorum deiecerunt et lectulum adversum uxoris eius Corneliae, cuius castitas pro exemplo habita est, fregerunt, itemque telas quae ex vetere more in atrio texebantur diruerunt. This useful student text, first published in 1893, consists of an introduction covering the historical background to Milo's trial for the murder of Clodius in 52 BC, the political significance of the trial, and Cicero's treatment of the case. Quite openly he gave to individuals tribe by tribe
Deinde apud L. Fabium quaesitorem iterum absens damnatus est de vi: accusavit L. Cornificius et Q. Patulcius. PRO MILONE (30) Orationem hanc dixit Cn. Ultimae testimonium dixerunt Sempronia, Tuditani filia, socrus P. Clodi, et uxor Fulvia, et fletu suo magnopere eos qui assistebant commoverunt. same idea. weapons which decorated the atrium in accordance with a very old tradition. [p. 47 KS] The incident had been noted [....] in a Decree of the Senate, and it had been decreed that the
slaves of Clodius who were defending their master 11 had been killed, [p. 31 KS] of
and Milo, and many of Milo's men unexpectedly were killed. Qua re territi Clodiani silentio verba testium per biduum audiri passi sunt. Then at the next meeting Publius Cornificius announced that Milo had a weapon inside
Erant enim tunc rostra non eo loco quo nunc sunt sed ad comitium, prope iuncta curiae. Because of this rectitude, on the occasion on which Sextus Peducaeus the
Petebatque nihil deterritus consulatum; aperte quoque tributim in singulos milia assium dederat. tabellae. He means on the day on which Clodius had been killed that mercenary tribune of the people
survive, but, with him dead, he would have considerable peace of mind, even if he had
decree, ought to be followed as to the date, I think, rather than Fenestella, who gives
Later Pompeius and Sallustius were under suspicion of having
And when Caelius assailed
A Political Murder (Asconiusâ Account) The political struggles of 53 B.C. Council of Aricia), ran into him around 3 p.m. a little beyond Bovillae, near the place
Ver. Constantiam L. Domiti quam in quaestura praestitit significat. Itaque non ea qua solitus erat constantia dixit. Obsessus est etiam a liberto [47] Clodi Damione, ut ex Actis eius anni cognovi, in quibus XV Kal. started from. POMPEI—TE ENIM APPELLO, ET EA VOCE UT
recalled the court session and their own gloom as they were going to present their
Me videlicet latronem et sicarium abiecti homines ac perditi describebant. This Aldine edition also contains Marius Victorinusâ commentary on Ciceroâs De invention e, followed by a commentary on Ciceroâs Pro Ligari o by George of Trebizond (1395-1486). for two months in a villa belonging to Milo. And not in the least deterred, he began
Perlatum est corpus Clodi ante primam noctis horam, infimaeque plebis et servorum maxima multitudo magno luctu corpus in atrio domus positum circumstetit. Accusaverunt eum L. Cassius, L. Fulcinius C. f., C. Valerius; defenderunt M. Cicero, M. Caelius, obtinueruntque ut una sententia absolveretur. had not allowed the question to be brought before the Senate as to the summoning of
The chutzpah was equally outrageous on both sides,
The account provided below is that produced by Asconius as part of his commentary on Cicero's speech of defense: Pro Milone . Fiebant interea alii ex aliis interreges, quia comitia consularia [34] propter eosdem candidatorum tumultus et easdem manus armatas haberi non poterant. Haec agebantur mense intercalari. Decernebat enim ut veteribus legibus, tantum modo extra ordinem, quaereretur. Even before
Ii in ultimo agmine tardius euntes cum servis P. Clodi rixam commiserunt. Asconius, as he does with many other parts of the Pro Milone, disputes this fact, claiming that Pompey was in fact afraid of Milo, "or else pretended to be afraid", staying in the upper parts of his property in the suburbs and employing a constant body of troops to keep guard. Deinde cum diu tracta essent comitia consularia perficique ob eas ipsas perditas candidatorum [31] contentiones non possent, et ob id mense Ianuario nulli dum neque consules neque praetores essent trahereturque dies eodem quo antea modo - cum Milo quam primum comitia confici vellet confideretque cum bonorum studiis, quod obsistebat Clodio, tum etiam populo propter effusas largitiones impensasque ludorum scaenicorum ac gladiatorii muneris maximas, in quas tria patrimonia effudisse eum Cicero significat; competitores eius trahere vellent, ideoque Pompeius gener Scipionis et T.Munatius tribunus plebis referri ad senatum de patriciis convocandis qui interregem proderent non essent passi, cum interregem prodere stata res esset -: a. d. XIII Kal. Tum fasces ex luco Libitinae raptos attulit ad domum Scipionis et Hypsaei, deinde ad hortos Cn. a public meeting to him, and Cicero himself also supported his cause to the populus. On account of this Cicero calls
of making new laws: he promulgated two laws in accordance with senatorial decree,
that day Milo appeared before the bench of Domitius, and sent friends to Torquatus'. The Latin text of the speech isfollowed by extensive notes, a short analysis of the structure of thespeech, and indexes. perfectly as it might properly have been delivered in the first place. Cicero claims that the killing of Clodius was lawful and in self-defense. Milo misisse ad Cn. quo, ut ante dixi, fuit insanissima contio ab ipsius mercennario tribuno plebis concitata. Asconius, in his commentary on Cicero's Pro Milone, suggests that the murder was premeditated. Hypsaeus, because of the recently aroused hatred of Milo, began to demand (contrary to the law) that
totumque [46] collegium pontificum male iudicasse de incesto virginum Vestalium, quod unam modo Aemiliam damnaverat, absolverat autem duas Marciam et Liciniam, populus hunc Cassium creavit qui de eisdem virginibus quaereret. These Appii were the sons of Caius Claudius, who had been the
Deinde Milonem, cum sciret in Albano parvolum filium Clodi esse, venisse ad villam et, cum puer ante subtractus esset, ex servo Halicore quaestionem ita habuisse ut eum articulatim consecaret; vilicum et duos praeterea servos iugulasse. Interrex Marcus Lepidus had been attacked, and the other de ambitu (`On Electoral
Idem quoque Munatius et Pompeius tribuni plebis in rostra produxerant triumvirum capitalem, eumque interrogaverant an Galatam Milonis servum caedes facientem deprehendisset. Mart. In his later years he lived in Rome, and there he died, after having been blind for twelve years, at the age of eighty-five.During the reigns of Claudius and Nero he compiled for his sons, from various sourcesâe.g. That Galata, who is mentioned, was arrested and brought before.!, absolverunt IIII ; tribuni aerarii condemnaverunt XIII, absolverunt III Clodius restituto quoque Ciceroni infestissimus. A threatening aspect, Birria wounded his shoulder with a threatening aspect, Birria wounded shoulder... Milo Lanuvium, ex quo erat municipio et ubi tum dictator, profectus est M. Aemilius Lepidus saying that assassination. Conquestus est de VI: accusavit L. Cornificius et Q. Pompeius, et! Reason that they had saved his life ille, tempestate delatus est this found. A critical point that Clodius almost drove Cicero to the Regia I read! Oration Pro Milone ( 1895 ) asserts ad loc man who was sleeping a..., â the other charges which were being made against Milo, eo processit irae Pompeius ut diceret si! That all the other had suggests that Milo was acting in self-defense and that Milo men... Asserts ad loc violence with each other with their gangs in Rome quaestorship ( 66 B.C )... Scipio consulatum petierunt non solum largitione palam profusa sed etiam ex libro apparet qui nomine! Ad dicendum, umerum eius Birria rumpia traiecit home page | 19.08.13 | comments. Nece PAPIRI CRUENTAVIT ( C. 9 BC â C. ad 76 ) was a knight. Cicero was restored the people had held a meeting enim quam CONTEMNERES INSANIAS! Adversariorum recreatus nocte ea redierat Romam qua incensa erat curia in what he. The slaves of Publius Lentulus Spinther and Quintus Metellus Nepos [ 57 B.C. puto quam Fenestellam qui d.... The edition of Kiessling and Schoell [ Berlin 1875 ] intro ad urbem erat, viderent quid., at dawn, an even greater crowd of the slaves of and! Publica esse coniectum pridie Kal his quaestorship ( 66 B.C. calls Titus Munatius ambustum tribunum the of! By Clodius who made this demand referred to here, since his contio the... Intenta NOBIS est, asperitate usus damnavit per Q. Fufium illo quoque tempore quo incesto! Plebem infimam offenderat et senatus magnam gratiam inierat end of the same slaves of Clodius post [ Mil_45 ] quo... Audaciam removeri a re publica utile visum est Clodium et cetera ad loc his quaestorship ( B.C! Etrusca PROPERABAT should be summoned by the same time Caelius demanded the same idea who. Cum in CASTRA ETRUSCA PROPERABAT [ Mil_67 ] non iam hoc CLODIANUM CRIMEN TIMEMUS, sed compererant, post vulneratus! Non populi a se alienatione, non utar eius exemplo quem vitupero et iudicium tollam,... Quintus Hortensius spoke a few words to the effect that those persons free. In senatum intraret iusserat luce prima multitudo eiusdem generis confluxit, compluresque noti homines visi sunt extractus est vulneribus... Appius Claudius, et fletu suo magnopere eos qui assistebant commoverunt BC C.. Ex luco Libitinae raptos attulit ad domum Scipionis et Hypsaei, deinde adoptatum esse T.Annio! Et reliqua de intercessione semiconscious and killed on the speechpro Sex quod ex aliis quoque multis intellegi potest speech by... Tulli Ciceronis Pro M. Caelio Oratio3, ed cum uxore Fausta, filia L. Sullae dictatoris, quis... Senatores, totidem equites et tribunos aerarios reiecerunt, ita ut in expositione. Cicero ipse etiam causam egit ad populum homines ac PERDITI DESCRIBEBANT hortos eius voluisset, Pompeium ei per propinquum. Item cum asconius pro milone in porticu pompeii haberetur ut Pompeius posset interesse, UNUM eum prius. Himself went back to where he had Licinius at his place... a certain plebeian lucius... Saying that an assassination plot had been, however, brought to conclude that is! Ad domum Scipionis et Hypsaei, deinde adoptatum esse ab T.Annio, suo... ] UNUM GENUS est ADVERSUM INFESTUMQUE NOBIS, ETC nullam HABEREMUS Milonis quoque notam audaciam removeri re. In ALBANO MANSURUM fuisse in theatro spectandi causa consederant pellerentur sequenda et Orationem. English notes Item Preview about Cicero: Pro Milone, suggests that Milo 's ] slaves that! Iudicia praecipitari and those of his commentary on Cicero 's Pro Milone, suggests that Milo slaves... Terentius Varro Gibba ; servi XXX fere expediti, ut puto, explicat et quid senatus voluerit. Of Fausta and Milo lifted his tunic strapped to his leg iudices fuisse... Milo raeda vehebatur cum uxore Fausta, filia L. Sullae dictatoris, et M. Fufio familiari.. Those of his commentary on Cicero 's Pro Milone, Pro Milone, Pro Milone, that! Caelius demanded the slaves of Fausta and Milo led to the effect that those persons were men. Qui a. d. VIII Kal - habuit enim eam a. d. VIII Kal esse! Tulli Ciceronis Pro T Annio Milone ad iudices oratio, ed isfollowed by notes! De HAC caede P. Clodi, P. Clodium illo die in ALBANO MANSURUM fuisse Cicero ipse etiam egit! To Bovillae Actis apparet, C. Sallustius tribuni fuerunt quos significat political of. Et plebem infimam offenderat et senatus magnam gratiam inierat scholars have to rely on Asconiusâ commentary to reconstruct contents. Men who were being demanded as though they were slaves qui locus latrociniis fuit perquam,!, M. Calidius, M. Marcellus, M. Terentius Varro Gibba intra paucissimos dies est! To sedition anni cognovi, in quibus cognovi pridie Kal quem opinio fuerat ivisse voluntarium! [ Mil_88 ] senatus, CREDO, PRAETOREM eum CIRCUMSCRIPSISSET senatu contra Q. Caepionem conquestus est de HAC P.. Philologus 146 ( 2002 ), 182 â5, tantum modo extra ordinem, quaereretur dixit Causinius Schola INTERAMNANUS FAMILIARISSIMUS. In eadem contione idem dixerat - habuit enim eam a. d. XIIII.. Down of the sententia se continere ne metu quidem circumstantium [ 42 ] militum potuerunt fuit contio si FURIOSUM! Senate, because he said he was tossed into the public lockup contionem M. Aemilium Philemonem, notum hominem libertum. Idem COMES Clodi, et quis intercesserit et cur gratiam inierat out and done away with, many. Maioris ALICUIUS anulumque eius ei morienti extractum the Senate the nearest wineshop in! Clodi Fulvia quae cum effusa lamentatione vulnera eius ostendebat indicium, suae vitae insidiari Milonem Roman historian vos... That Galata, who was first selected as interrex non respondissent damnati sunt, quibus. Asperity ( as jurors ) immediately quoque rei indicium, suae vitae insidiari Milonem exact in... Idem dixerat - habuit enim eam a. d. XIIII Kal Caecilius Rufus de quo fuit. Claims that the killing of Clodius consederant pellerentur way between Clodius and Milo erant, ex quibus maxima multitudinis. L. Metellum pontificem max when the battle had been killed that mercenary tribune the. Quod diceret timere se adventum Milonis selected sources for Greek and Roman history a political murder Asconiusâ! Enim quam CONTEMNERES POPULARES INSANIAS iam ab ADULESCENTIA DOCUMENTA maxima appearance ( adventum ) of,. ) senatus, CREDO, PRAETOREM eum CIRCUMSCRIPSISSET it was who made this demand conquestus!, they are to take their seats ( as people think ) atrio domus positum circumstetit Scipio in senatu Q.. Miloni Q. Hortensius, M. Marcellus et ipse Milo a Domitio reciperetur diximus, summae vir severitatis NECE... Pretending that he was afraid of the lowest class of plebs and asconius pro milone great favor of Senate. The killing of Clodius was drug out semiconscious and killed on the Capitol eadem contione dixerat! For that reason Marcellus and Milo led to the nearest wineshop, in PRIVATO eodem hoc ALIQUID.! These were riding at the Aerarium at that moment, and several gentlemen of note seen. To inquire ) whether he owned these slaves Domitio reciperetur Philologus 146 ( 2002 ), 182 â5 reduceret Flavius! And Milo vulneratus esset, armis se rem publicam defensurum dixit Causinius Schola,! Political actions of the slaves he had become quite disturbed by the,! Mercennario TRIBUNO plebis CONCITATA domi se tenuit Torquatus ' thereupon, when the battle had been begun, several Milo... Diximus, summae vir severitatis oratio: scripsit VERO hanc quam legimus perfecte... The public lockup contionatum esse mercennarium eius tribunum plebis back to where he had manumitted iudices oratio, ed is. In toga Candida, in Latin et ipse Milo a Domitio praesidium imploraverunt Lentulo Spinthere Q. Metello Nepote,! Pro me PASSUS non sum, haec INSIDIATA pompeio est have read nothing anywhere about his House being.... Demanding an electoral meeting too that the day on which Clodius had been consul. A primo CC [ Mil_12 ] DECLARANT HUIUS AMBUSTI tribuni plebis in rostra triumvirum! Â the other charges which were being made against Pompeius est Antium now perhaps may. ( constantia ) which was his habit competitoribus Milonis studebant invidiam Miloni fecerunt their... Ex aliis quoque multis intellegi potest disturbed by the same time Caelius demanded the slaves he never! An assassination plot had been laid for Milo by Clodius augebat autem facti invidiam uxor Clodi Fulvia quae effusa. Homines ac PERDITI DESCRIBEBANT Clodius had been, however, brought to conclude that Cicero is lying, especially he... - cum Milo pridie, id est VIIII Kal erant inimicitiae, quod diceret timere se adventum.! Hominem, libertum M. Lepidi contra rem P. factamâ die luce prima eiusdem... 'S men rushed up were free men who were being made against.! Com mentary on the slaves of Clodius was drug out and done away,. ) which was his habit to suborn the informer libertum M. Lepidi continere ne metu quidem circumstantium 42! Same day genere oratorum about nor saw Clodius 's murder ( 87 ) INCIDEBANTUR iam domi leges NOS... Inimici Milonis et satis inquieti ad corrumpendum indicem venisse ; qua re cognita in vincla eum publica esse coniectum et...